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Essay/Term paper: The secret life of walter mitty

Essay, term paper, research paper:  English Term Papers

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In the short story of the Secret World Of Walter Mitty. His life sucks. His wife uses him and picks on him. People around him put him down. And just about everyone thinks he"s a whimp," accept for him." Poor Mitty, his life will probably always suck.
His wife is always nagging him. She thinks he"s always sick. She likes it because she can control him. She want"s him to be at her feet. And she wants him to think she"s superior.
The lady on the street thought he was crazy. She probably thought he was a sick, big, wimp, and a loser. Maybe she thought that that was a guy who never scored in his life. To put it in another word he was just a funny looking, crazy, sick, loser of a guy.
The parking attendant thought he was dangerous in a car. He thought Mitty could be pushed around. And should be walking instead of driving," but even then he could be dangerous at that." He thought Mitty was a wuss and all around wimp.
Walter Mittys life sucks. Everyone thinks he sucks. Even the lady on the street thought he was a loser. But what must really bite his own wife thinks he a loser. To bad he lets everyone push him around. Walter Mittys life will probably always suck.


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