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Overview of services

Custom essays

We can write any type of essay for both college students and professionals. Generally, essays contain more personal input and observation whereas research papers and term papers are mostly focused on outside literature. The essays written by our essay writers span all academic levels, from High School to Ph.D. Our essay writers are certified professionals capable of writing on most subjects. They are versatile and eloquent which means perfect results on most essay writing assignments. Below are just a few types of essay projects that are regularly requested by our clients:

Custom term papers

Term papers are major college and university assignments that require students to spend hours at the library seeking and reviewing pertinent literature on a given subject. We can do that for you. We have the resources to deliver a service that will be the light at the end of a tunnel for you. It will save you hours of monotonous library research. Our writers are experts in that area. They have written thousands of similar projects to date and have access to powerful on-line library resources that cut down the research time. Custom term papers are written by qualified American and British writers who hold Master's degrees in various academic fields. We employ only trusted writers who are diligent, honest and versatile enough to write on almost any academic or professional topic. The difference between ordering a custom term paper from our company and getting a similar service from someone else is that you can rest assured you will get exactly what you wanted. Our writers will meet all initial paper instructions and will revise the paper free of cost until it fully matches your requirements.

Custom research papers

Just like term papers, research papers are academic writing projects that require students to do in-depth literature review and compose a paper on a given topic. We have expert-level writers who can take that load off your mind and provide you with a professionally written 100% authentic research paper composed in accordance with your specific instructions and featuring all required literature review and research. Any citation style can be used depending on your professor's requrements.

Custom book reports

We write professional book reports and reviews on any book. Our writers will access a copy of your book through our electronic libraries and will read all available summaries to compose an original review in accordance with your instruction (e.g. outline, structure, etc.). The book reports written by our writers are 100% original and are run through electronic plagiarism detection system.

Article reviews and artwork critique

Many people need to review an article or answer a set of questions based on some reading. That service is offered here. You can upload your article through our on-line system and our writers will read the entire piece to complete your writing assignment as requested. We also employ Arts majors who specialize in professional artwork (paintings, sculptures, photography, etc.) critiques.

Thesis or dissertation

A thesis or dissertation is normally assigned at the final stage of one's academic program, thus, mostly post-graduate students get to work on a dissertation, even though, a thesis may be part of the program's requirements on lower academic levels. We receive regular requests for assistance with theses and dissertations and that is why we have added that to our service line. Even though we cannot do all the work for you, our writers can still be of great use. All writing projects of such level of importance are handled by a handful of chosen writers with the best academic credentials and track-record. Our dissertation consultants have all earned their Ph.Ds long ago and now work as frealancers for our organization. In short, our specialists can help you with the research involved and can put together the entire piece incorporating your findings and enriching it with research.

Admission essays, applications, personal statements

Admission essays, applications and resumes constitute a separate service provided by our company. We employ expert writers who are specially reserved for these particular projects as they cannot be entrusted to just any writer out there. Our clients order those because they require results and our professionals have experience that is significant enough to guarantee them. An admission essay or resume is not just any project because one's future career is at steak. Thus, the projects of such type are prepared strategically to portray the applicant in the best light possible keeping it within professional and ethical boundaries. That process is normally preceded by extensive personality and background analysis performed by our consultants.

Case studies

Case studies are typical college writing assignments that our writers can assist with. All you have to do is provide us with the actual text of your assignment which can be easily done if you have your project in a text file (upload or e-mail). If you have it printed out on paper, you can either fax it or scan and upload as a file. Our writers will compose a quality project based on the text. We accept case-studies in all academic and professional fields.

Grant proposals

Grant writing is done by grant preparation professinals who have excellent track record preparing grant proposals that get supported. Just like any document on that level, a grant must be prepared flawlessly providing concise and comprehensive description of your program, setting clear objectives and realistic budget for each part of the program. All that can be carried out by our experts.

Website content

Web content has to be original and enriched with keywords so that search engines can find your important pages and fetch them to visitors. We write web content for all types of websites, regardless of your industry.

Quantitative projects

Quantitative and scientific projects in Accounting, Finance, Statistics, Algebra, Calculus, etc. are a whole new direction that we have been working in. Currently, we employ freelance professionals who can handle the following types of projects: SWOT analysis, cash flow statement preparation and analysis, balance sheet preparation and analysis, income statement preparation and analysis, corporate finance problems involving stocks, bonds, Internal rate of return calculation, budgeting, inventories and more, statistics problems, etc. All that can be done in Microsoft Excel, Powerpoint, Word, depending on your request.

Editing & proofreading

Editing and proofreading requests are handled by our team of essay and term paper writers and you won't have to pay the full fee which will result in great savings. A professional will proofread your existing paper and will rewrite or rephrase ineffective areas found in your work.

See our work samples

The samples that we ask all our visitors to examine are real works completed by our writers, not taken or ordered anywhere else. Upon reviewing our samples, you will see how your project will be formatted and will know what level of writing and research to expect from our company.

Experience with Dream Essay - Reliable and great customer service. Quality of work - High quality of work.
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Dream Essay - Very reliable and great customer service. Encourage other to try their service. Writer 91463 - Provided a well written Annotated Bibliography with great deal of detail per th
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it is always perfect
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The experience with Dream Essay is stress free. Service is excellent and forms various forms of communication all help with customer service. Dream Essay is customer oriented. Writer 17663
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Only competent & proven writers
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Our papers are never resold or reused, period
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All academic and professional subjects
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12pt Times New Roman font, double spaced, 1 inch margins
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