Essay/Term paper: Wendell phillips
Essay, term paper, research paper: Biography
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Wendell Phillips
Wendell Phillips was born on November 29, 1811. He was a well-known
American reformer. His career of attempting to reform American society spanned
47 years. He put most of his energy into opposing slavery and supporting
women's right's, labor reform, and temperance. In 1865 he attacked the
Constitution. He attacked it because it supported slavery.
He had married Ann Terry Greene. Greene had been taught by William Lloyd
Garrison. Garrison and Phillips became friends.
As the Civil War approached he became more and more certain that
violence must be employed to abolish slavery. When the war came he was at the
head of the emancipation movement.
In the years after the war Wendell Phillips demanded that actions be
taken to protect blacks and loyal whites in the South. He also became
more involved in workers rights. His speeches and lectures soon became
published. On February 2, 1884 Wendell Phillips died.
In conclusion I believe that a soldier would be a good symbol for
Wendell Phillips. It would be a good symbol because soldiers fight hard for what
they believe in. This is what Wendell Phillips did.