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Essay/Term paper: Science

Essay, term paper, research paper:  Chemistry

Free essays available online are good but they will not follow the guidelines of your particular writing assignment. If you need a custom term paper on Chemistry: Science, you can hire a professional writer here to write you a high quality authentic essay. While free essays can be traced by Turnitin (plagiarism detection program), our custom written essays will pass any plagiarism test. Our writing service will save you time and grade.

1. periodic law-law that states the physical & chemical properties of the elements are periodic functions of their atomic numbers
2. group-column of elements in the periodic table; family
3. family-column of elements in the periodic table; group
4. period-horizontal row of elements in the periodic table
5. metal-element that is a good conductor of heat & electricity, is shiny, has a high melting point, tends to lose electrons
6. luster-shininess
7. ductile-able to be drawn into a thin wire
8. malleable-able to be hammered out into a this sheet
9. corrosion-gradual wearing away of a metal due to a chemical reaction in which the metal element is changed into a metallic compound
10. nonmetal-element that is a poor conductor of heat & electricity, has a dull surface, low melting point, is brittle & breaks easy, and tends to gain electrons
11. metalloid-element that has properties of both metals & nonmetals
12. alkali metal-member of element Family 1 that has 1 valence electron
13. alkaline earth metal- member of element Family 2 that has 2 valence electrons
14. transition metal-element that has properties similar to other transition metals and to other metals but whose properties do not fit in with those of any other family
15. boron family-Family 13 of periodic table; element has 3 valence electrons
16. carbon family- Family 14 of periodic table; element has 4 valence electrons
17. nitrogen family- Family 15 of periodic table; element has 5 valence electrons
18. oxygen family- Family 14 of periodic table; element has 6 valence electrons
19. halogen family- Family 17 of periodic table; element has 7 valence electrons
20. noble gas- Family 18 of periodic table; element has 8 valence electrons and are extremely unreactive
21. rare-earth element-general designation for those elements in the lanthanoid & actinoid series
22. lanthanoid series-first row of rare-earth elements in the periodic table; soft, malleable metals that have high luster & conductivity
23. actinoid series-

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