Essay/Term paper: Science
Essay, term paper, research paper: Chemistry
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1. periodic law-law that states the physical & chemical properties of the elements are periodic functions of their atomic numbers
2. group-column of elements in the periodic table; family
3. family-column of elements in the periodic table; group
4. period-horizontal row of elements in the periodic table
5. metal-element that is a good conductor of heat & electricity, is shiny, has a high melting point, tends to lose electrons
6. luster-shininess
7. ductile-able to be drawn into a thin wire
8. malleable-able to be hammered out into a this sheet
9. corrosion-gradual wearing away of a metal due to a chemical reaction in which the metal element is changed into a metallic compound
10. nonmetal-element that is a poor conductor of heat & electricity, has a dull surface, low melting point, is brittle & breaks easy, and tends to gain electrons
11. metalloid-element that has properties of both metals & nonmetals
12. alkali metal-member of element Family 1 that has 1 valence electron
13. alkaline earth metal- member of element Family 2 that has 2 valence electrons
14. transition metal-element that has properties similar to other transition metals and to other metals but whose properties do not fit in with those of any other family
15. boron family-Family 13 of periodic table; element has 3 valence electrons
16. carbon family- Family 14 of periodic table; element has 4 valence electrons
17. nitrogen family- Family 15 of periodic table; element has 5 valence electrons
18. oxygen family- Family 14 of periodic table; element has 6 valence electrons
19. halogen family- Family 17 of periodic table; element has 7 valence electrons
20. noble gas- Family 18 of periodic table; element has 8 valence electrons and are extremely unreactive
21. rare-earth element-general designation for those elements in the lanthanoid & actinoid series
22. lanthanoid series-first row of rare-earth elements in the periodic table; soft, malleable metals that have high luster & conductivity
23. actinoid series-