Essay/Term paper: Jimi hendrix
Essay, term paper, research paper: Culture
Free essays available online are good but they will not follow the guidelines of your particular writing assignment. If you need a custom term paper on Culture: Jimi Hendrix, you can hire a professional writer here to write you a high quality authentic essay. While free essays can be traced by Turnitin (plagiarism detection program), our custom written essays will pass any plagiarism test. Our writing service will save you time and grade.
Jimi Hendrix
James Marshal Hendrix was born on November 27th 1942, in Seatle Washington. He
was considered by many to be the greatest guitarist to have ever lived. When he
was 12 years old, his father traded his saxaphone to buy an inexpensive acoustic
guitar for Jimmi. Though he never learned to read music, he tought himself by
getting together with other local no-named bands and gigged for about 50 cents
an hour and all the pop and food they could consume. When he was 17 he had his
father sign his enlistment papers so he could join the army. While in the army
he was a paratrooper, and on his 26th jump, he hurt his back and his foot. Jimi
formed his own New York band in 1965, they called themselves "Jimi James and The
Blue Flames" After a few gigs they played, Jimi began to make a name for himself.
This led to a visit from Bryan "chas" Chandler (formerly the bass guitarist for
"The Animals") After arranging for passports, Chas presented Jimi with a ticket,
some money, and a promise to meet Eric Clapton, Jimi was off to London. While in
London, Chas got Mitchel and Noel Reddin to join Jimi. They formed "The Jimi
Hendrix Experience" Jimi went back to America and toured with the monkeys. But
unfortunatley, this was not a good idea because both bands styles were TOTALLY
diffrerent. When Jimi returned to England, he joined up with "Band of Gypsies"
and recorded one album. On september 18, 1970, James Marshal Hendrix was
pronounced dead at St. Mary Abbot's Hospital in Kennsington England. His cause
of death was: He took an offbrand of sleeping pills to get some rest, but they
were not his usual brand, and he overdosed, although he overdosed, he was really
killed by choking on his own vomit on the way to the hospital.
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