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Essay/Term paper: Nirvana

Essay, term paper, research paper:  Culture

Free essays available online are good but they will not follow the guidelines of your particular writing assignment. If you need a custom term paper on Culture: Nirvana, you can hire a professional writer here to write you a high quality authentic essay. While free essays can be traced by Turnitin (plagiarism detection program), our custom written essays will pass any plagiarism test. Our writing service will save you time and grade.

Nirvana was a band until one of the band

members died. He killed himself because he was on to

much drugs. His name was Kurt Cobain. He was born on

February 20, 1967. He met two other people and they

became a band. Their names are Krist Novoselic and Dave

Grohl. They were very successful in music. They played

alternative music. Their first album was Bleach. It was

releases on June 1989. It was a big hit. From the success

of the album the went on tour in England. Then the released

another album called Nevermind. It was released in 1991.

The album just went platinum. For the album they went on

tour to Europe. Nevermind album hits the number 1 charts

for the second time. Then one day Kurt Cobain meets a girl

in another band called Hole. Her name is Courtney Love.

The ended up getting married in Hawaii in February 24,

1992. Then in August 18, 1992 they have a kid and name

it Frances Bean Cobain. There next album Incesticide is

released in December 15, 1992. The album goes platinum

just like the other ones. So they started to record their next

album In Utero. Then it was released in Sept. 21, 1993.

One day Kurt Cobain went to the store with his friend. He

ended up buying a gun. The leave the store and his friend

went home. Kurt Cobain went back to his place. He then

shot himself and died April 5, 1994. He wasn"t found until

April 8, 1994. When they found him he left a suicide note.

It said stuff in it like the band started to suck. And that their

was already a rumor going around that the band was going

to break up. He was always bummed out about everything

and he didn"t think anything was fun.  

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