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Essay/Term paper: Evolution of media violence

Essay, term paper, research paper:  Culture

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Evolution of Media Violence

The evolution of broadcast programming can be identified into four stages. The
first stage covers the debut of commercial radio in the 1920's. At that time
the tone was considered proper, and formal. For several years radio
broadcasting emphasized classical or semi-classical music, and historical drama.
Commercials were kept brief and always discreet In the second stage of
programming, which was called The Golden Age of Radio, shows were action
adventures. Vaudeville-Comedy was also popular. The hard ships of the 1930's
and then World War II, made it important for citizens to be able to relax as
radio brought popular entertainers and adventure stories into their homes.

The third stage of programming lasted from 1945 until the early 1950's, when
television had a explosive growth. Television was preserved as "radio with
pictures." Many entertainers and entire programs were transferred successfully
from radio to television. At the beginning of the fourth stage, known as The
Golden Age of Television, variety shows were the most popular program format.
Another television staple of this era was the western. In the late 1950's
action-adventure became popular.

Since the 1960's there has been a increase in violence in the media (television).
In 1968 censorship laws were relaxed in favor of a rating system that allowed
any type of subject matter to be filmed. This permitted Hollywood to specialize
in films featuring excessive violence. Many individuals and citizen groups have
expressed concern about the level of violence in television programs,
particularly in action-adventure series and cartoons. They feel that viewers,
especially children, may learn to see violence as the way to resolve conflicts.
Television can influence peoples mental picture of the world. This is
especially true for younger viewers who rely heavily on television and other
media for their understanding of the world beyond their neighborhoods.
Television today is failing to provide a complete, unbiased picture of reality.

United Stated has a long standing tradition of freedom of speech, and freedom of
press. These freedoms have hampered the government in attempting to directly
limit censor the depiction of violence on television. In reason times the
networks and producers have felt pressure from concern citizens who are critical
of the violence displayed on television.


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