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Essay/Term paper: Preserve the forests

Essay, term paper, research paper:  Economics

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Preserve the Forests

In agreement with Kim Stafford, who opposes the clear-cutting of old
growth forests, I feel that it is necessary to preserve the profitable lumber in
its natural state for future generations. Currently, the tons of lumber
produced from the Pacific Northwest region of the United States are taken for
granted, and most people do not realize that the forests will be destroyed
within ten years at this rate of exploiting our natural resources. We must make
loggers a profession of the past and divert those current ones into another
sector in our society. The spotted owl is more than a *Darwinistic* survival of
the fittest issue; it represents the direction of our only planet.
In order to preserve the beauty of this planet, we must cease the clear-
cutting of forests. All old growth forests have been around for multiple
centuries and are cut down daily in a matter of hours in order to produce more
buildings and houses in this already over-crowded world. If the rate at which
we cut down trees is continued without any regulation, the forests will all be
gone in ten years, so we should do mankind a favor and try to preserve what is
left. If the old growth forests are gone, then they can never return because it
takes over five generations to produce one and at the rate that the human
population is increasing, there is not enough land to have a secure place for a
new forest.
If we realize that it is best for the human race to stop destroying the
natural resources, then we must destroy, too, the existence of loggers all
together. To do so, there must not be any new loggers, so all training
potential loggers must be stopped. The current loggers must be diverted to
another occupation. Perhaps if the public supported the notion of stopping
clear-cutting, the government would be able to provide services to educate the
loggers in a different field. Also, with public support, many companies will
probably offer several programs for former loggers. No matter what we choose
today, the loggers have seen their last Haley*s comet; they will all be gone
with forests in ten years.
When we stop the development and decrease the number of loggers, we will
help save the spotted owl, a species that has greater importance than a mere
animal towards the our species. It is a symbol of the general health of Mother
Earth, a figure without which no living object can survive. If the cutting of
forests at this rate remains constant, the spotted owls will disappear within
the ten years along with the our forests.
In order to regulate the logging industry to keep our trees intact,
there must be public support for the idea. With that, the government would most
likely be willing to provide educational services for the loggers who need to
get new jobs. Sooner of later, this sacrifice of loggers will occur, and the
latest will be in ten years. The spotted owl represents a major part of our
natural resources. At this rate, that major part will disappear along with the
spotted owl in a mere decade.


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