Essay/Term paper: Violence
Essay, term paper, research paper: English
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England wanted to control the colonies. Their plan was to
gain power over America so they would be able to tax the
colonists. In an attempt to get money, from the colonies,
England passed several acts, the Stamp Act and the
Quartering Act. The Quartering Act stated that the colonists
had to provide food and shelter for the royal troops. The
Stamp Act required the colonists to buy a stamp when they
purchased certain items. The Stamp Act angered everyone
because it hit everyone's pocketbook. Colonists acted
strongly and quickly, the Stamp Act was later repealed.
Even though England had failed with the Stamp Act
they continued trying to gain control and tax the colonies.
Parliament passed the Townshend Acts in 1767 which
taxed paint, glass, lead, paper, and tea. Customs Officials
were granted documents, or writs of assistance, to enforce
the act. These documents, issued by a court, allowed them
to go into privet homes and businesses without reasonable
suspicions to look for smuggled goods, at any time!
In response, many groups started their own special
boycotts. The Daughters of Liberty, a group organized by
woman, held public spinning bees, where they made
Americana cloth. Paper, paint, and cloth were all made by
the colonists. A sense of unity was created with the help of
the boycott.
The colonists' boycott of British goods paid off. In
1770 the British government repealed the Townshend taxes
on paint, paper, glass, and lead. The only item that still had
a Townshend tax was tea. This news calmed most colonists.
However, not everyone was happy, this was far from over.
The colonists stood their ground and fought for what
they believed they deserved. To be free! Free from
England's rule, free from their taxes, and free to start their
new world, America.