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Essay/Term paper: Greece: heroism

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Greece: Heroism

In ancient Greek times heroism was much different than it is now. Today, all
you have to do to become a hero most of the time is rich, after you do this the
media will take it from there. But in the time of the Trojans it took much more,
thing's that Achilles thankfully, was very good at or things he thought was
important. Achilles was not only a hero physically, but was more importantly, a
hero for the Achian army's morale, also his chivalric properties were important
with his being a hero.

Physically Achilles is superior to anyone that I have read of so far in the
Iliad, other than Zeus and a few other gods. Even the best of the Trojan
warriors and fighters cannot compare to Achilles' fighting skill or his strength.

Morale is something that the Achians are truly suffering from in the end of book
six and into book nine. Something that the Achians need and Achilles provides
when he is with the A.chians is a sort of a "father figure" if you would, a
figure to look up to and to follow. Another way Achilles aggrandized the
Achians morale was him just being on their side and not on the Trojan team.

Chivalry was a trait that Achilles saw to be very important, to strive hard to
perform well in. He showed a few instances were he could have conducted himself
differently but made a gallant decision. This includes when Agamemnon took away
Briesies, Achilles' war prize. Achilles could have become very angry and could
have killed him very easily but he refrained, he spared the Achians leader and
left so no shame could soil his name.

Compared to most hero's in ancient Greece Achilles was a monster of a hero, for
he showed multiple ways a hero can be the best hero, he also showed exactly how
good a hero can be through his physical properties, his influence he had on the
Achians army morale, and his desire to be the best warrior and hero he could be
through his chivalrous acts.


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