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Essay/Term paper: Definition paper

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Beauty is commonly referred to as "Qualities that ignite the senses and exalt the mind." The term "beauty" was borrowed from the French term "beaute`."

I personally believe there is no accurate definition, because no ones eyes interpret beauty similarly. My personal definition is based solely on past experiences. When my eyes adjust to view what I seem to be studying so intently, and I am comfortably aware of the attention I am giving it, I am assured that it is full of beauty. To analyze its exterior and to fully appreciate intricate details are, to me, grounds for pure beauty.

John Ruskin stated "Remember that the most beautiful things in the world are the most useless; peacocks and lilies, for instance."

This is the most exhilarating type of beauty. Appreciating the simplistic pleasures in our surroundings is a perfect example.

There are infinite ways to enjoy simple beauty. My favorite way is to attend a child"s athletic event. Witnessing sheer happiness when they perform with excellence is beauty in itself.

Picturesque locations are pleasing to the eye as well. For example, I visited Switzerland this summer, and the landscape and geographical features seemed imaginary. Viewing the majestic mountains and lakes from a cozy bedroom in the early morning, seeing the slightest trace of fog dancing upon the landforms was simultaneously comforting and breathtaking..

If a particular person likes the physical appearance of a location enough, they will become so infatuated that perhaps, they will move there, leaving their entire life if necessary.

Imagine that a physically attractive woman entered the room, no sane person can say that nothing happens that is out of the ordinary. Most eyes are on her, following her every move. Most females become instantly jealous from all the attention she is getting, and lack thereof on their part. On the other hand, most males lose any intelligence they formerly had. Physical beauty certainly has its effects, doesn"t it?

Take the blind mole rat, for an example. It spends its entire life blind to its surroundings, yet it still manages to find a mate, disregarding physical attraction. (I think that is for the best, regardless. They aren"t exactly the most beautiful creatures on Earth… () Perhaps this should be an example to those so shallow they choose a mate solely on appearance.

Perhaps Helen Keller said it best when she said, "The best and most beautiful things can not be see or even touched. They must be felt with the heart." I think that beautiful things are necessary solely for pleasuring the sight and the mind. Perhaps physical beauty is not as important (or even easier to come by) than interior beauty, but it definitely gives the human race something to keep them busy!


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