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Essay/Term paper: The scarlet pimpernel

Essay, term paper, research paper:  History

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The Scarlet Pimpernel

The Scarlet Pimpernel was a fictional character that had a positive goal and, to some, was very inspiring. The period of time that the movie takes place in is a very unstable and radical time. Percy, the main character and the Scarlet Pimpernel, is willing to put his life in danger to stand up for what he believes in. Although he does in a very intelligent way, he is very courageous and intelligent in the way he executes his plans. Sir Percy was willing to look like a fool to be able to keep his identity as the Scarlet Pimpernel a secret.

The movie takes place in Paris during the revolution and viewers can see the major changes going on throughout the move. People were being put to death for such minor offenses as cutting down a tree that was thought to be important because it was planted as a sign of independence. People who were though to be a threat to the revolution or Republic were put to death by the guillotine. The movie showed how people may be wrongly blamed and arrested for a crime they did not commit. When situations arise like this in history panic and chaos breaks out, partly because of fear of being wrongly accused of a fictitious crime and partly for some people"s desire for power and death.

The movie contains more than one theme. The first, shows the importance of bravery and sacrifice and the second shows the ruthlessness and betrayal that goes on in government. In the Scarlet Pimpernel the "government defense officer" believes that he is betrayed by the woman he wants to marry and later betrays her. He goes so far as to threaten to put her brother in jail if she does not help him catch the Scarlet Pimpernel. In these times, it was possible to be put to death for being accused of treason against the government. The revolution that was going on was very necessary, but some of the people that were bringing it about were doing it in the wrong way.


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