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Essay/Term paper: Hades

Essay, term paper, research paper:  Humanities

Free essays available online are good but they will not follow the guidelines of your particular writing assignment. If you need a custom term paper on Humanities: Hades, you can hire a professional writer here to write you a high quality authentic essay. While free essays can be traced by Turnitin (plagiarism detection program), our custom written essays will pass any plagiarism test. Our writing service will save you time and grade.

Hades Did you know that Hades is the richest god? He could buy anything.

He has a lot of gold and he could buy Mexico or better artillery for our

country. Hades is the king of the Underworld and is married to Penelope. He

can watch the country in his Underworld, and if someone breaks a law he can

take them to the Underworld where they will stay for the rest of their lives.

Hades already rules the Underworld, don't you think he can rule this country?

Hades is the choice for President of the USA. He could solve a lot of the bad

problems, because he would constantly know what is going on. This god

could move the White House underground and watch everybody from there.

He wouldn't come up unless he had to capture a criminal, and if he did he

would take them underground just like he did to Penelope. Since Hades is so

rich he could just pay for more jobs and give them to homeless people.

People wouldn't have to pay for taxes because Hades would. People wouldn't

have to pay for electricity because Hades would. He is so rich because of all

these precious metals and gold another posession of his is the gold chariot that

he and Penelope would ride in so people would know it was them. Hades can

have his pet Cerberus, a three-headed dragon tailed dog, guard the nations

money and valuables that might need to be guarded. So if anyone tries to rob

it, they won't be able to get through. And for all the people who can't afford

an education, Hades will pay for it so everybody is qualified for a job. So if

your going to vote, vote for Hades, because he is the best god for President.

Why? Because he can solve a lot of problems and he can make this country a

better place to live in.  

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