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Essay/Term paper: Dear mr johnson

Essay, term paper, research paper:  Law

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Dear Mr.Johnson,

This Letter is on the issue of closed campus, in my opinion this should not even be an issue. Haslett High Scholl students should be able to go out during lunch, we have a right to choose what we pay for and we have the right to seek a comfortable environment. I have very strong reasons to back up my opinion.

If I want to not wait in line for at least five to eight minutes for food I must skip the trip to my locker and lag around a heavy bag which has my first, second, third and fourth hour books in it. This brings up another serious problem in Haslett schools; room! In four corners it's practically a mosh pit after every hour, this is a whole separate problem which needs immediate attention. Once I finally get my lunch I have a second much harder task to tackle; finding a seat. The Cafeteria is way over capacity and simply can't handle the amount of people that is must. After I have everything I can start eating, by this time I have wasted away twenty minutes of my precious lunch period. Mr.Johnson, this is just not a suitable lunch arrangement.

I must mention of second problem with lunchtime, this is even more pressing than the first. Lunch Prices have been growing drastically and with no reason at all, this could mean the school is pressed for money so you look for the simple solution and make us, the consumers, pay more. I have heard that this large amount of extra money is going towards better quality food; get real folks how can you improve the quality of fries and pizza? And what can the students do about this? Packing a lunch could solve some problems but this is a major inconvenience to most. With today's busy life style people just don't have the time to pack lunches. Instead we students are forced to deal with over crowded lunch rooms and incredibly unfair prices. Mr. Johnson this is just not suitable for a highly rated school system such as ours.

I believe that when a young adult is denied much of his or her freedom it has a rather disappointing outcome. Put your self in my shoes for a short time, if you were not allowed to do anything much more than do homework and stay in the house day and night what would you do? I would abuse my freedoms the second and was able to and probably destroy my body in the process. I am not saying that a closed campus policy will make kids party and do drugs, I am saying it helps contribute. When the program D.A.R.E was put into operation it was a good idea, however when the D.A.R.E program was ran about four to five times on the same student it was a huge mistake. It made kids egar to try drugs, I didn't just make this up either. I had a talk with some freshman that had a real good dose of D.A.R.E and this is the message they conveyed to me. This is an example of what denying kids privileges can do.

The solution to all these problems is easy, just go back to the old policy of letting kids leave campus for lunch. There are new food facilities closer by which will cut down on last minute arrivals. Its wrong to treat students like small children, if you treat us like children then we will act like children and do stupid things. If you give us some responsibility we just may start acting more like adults.

Thank you for your time
Bobby Weaver


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