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Essay/Term paper: The metamorphosis: gregor was an unselfish person

Essay, term paper, research paper:  Metamorphosis

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The Metamorphosis: Gregor Was An Unselfish Person

Gregor was the most unselfish person in The Metamorphosis. This
characteristic shows with his dedication to his work. He was the only family
member with a job, believing he was the only one capable of it.
Sacrificing his social life for his work, he had no friends at work, and
never went out at night. His only hobby was fretwork, sitting alone in his room.
The only person he was ever intimate with was his sister Grete.
His devotion to his work was remarkable. In all of the five years he had
worked for his father's creditor, he had never once been absent. Always ready to
go out on his rounds as early as possible, he never took advantage of time for a
break. By the time he got back, the other employees were still eating breakfast.
Under the belief that he was the sole provider for the family, Gregor
took up a job with his father's creditor, before even consulting his family.
They, at the time, were of course impressed. The flat they were living in was
chosen by Gregor. Making enough money, he hired a cook and servant. He was even
thinking of sending Grete to the conservatorium to further enhance what he
believed to be musical talents.
Even after his metamorphosis, he never asked for much. Showing his
concern for others' wellbeing, he hid under the couch so as not to disgust
anyone by his sight. Although they brought him food everyday, he barely ate any
of it. He even wished he were not such a burden on the family, and that he could
have transformed back into his old self.
All of the actions mentioned above displayed Gregor's unselfishness.
After his metamorphosis, nobody indicated they were grateful for what he had
done. After his first absence, the chief clerk himself appeared at Gregor's
house to see what was the matter. When Gregor did not open his door, the chief
clerk accused him of stealing the company's funds, and degraded him in front of
his parents as being insubordinate. After the transformation, Gregor's father
gave little or no love or support. Instead, he had hurt Gregor many times while
ushering Gregor back into the room. Grete and her mother do, for some time, show
a little support. After having Gregor around for a while however Grete asserted
that they should somehow get rid of him. At this point, Gregor realized that his
family no longer loves him, and gave up on life.
Although Gregor did aid his family in a critical time of need, they
hardly acknowledged this fact after his transformation. They never even tried to
understand him. For the past five years, he provided for his family, and when he
needed them, they did not care. After his metamorphosis, they all got jobs,
something Gregor thought they were incapable of. After his death, they moved out
of the flat, which was too expensive for them, leaving all of their memories,
starting anew without him.


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