Essay/Term paper: Sex before marriage
Essay, term paper, research paper: Sex
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It is Saturday night; you are getting ready to go out for a
night on the town. Since it is singles night at the local bar
you decide to go there and spend your Saturday night,
maybe get in a game whilst you indulge yourself in drinks. At
the bar you not only meet someone to your liking but after a
couple of drinks you find that you wake up the next morning
with her beside you, not remembering exactly what
happened last night. All you can remember is the wild
dancing and the loud music. It takes you a long time before
you can realize that you actually slept with someone that you
had know for a mere couple of hours. But that is perfectly
normal and you return to work the next day as if nothing
happened over the weekend. After all it"s the 90"s.
This situation might seem very familiar to a number of people
for this seems to be the ongoing trend in meeting people and
acquiring pleasure. Sex without Love has become common
practice in the 21st century, with very few people stopping
to ask, "Is it really worth it", or "Is that the right thing to
do". Well has anyone stopped to ask, "How do they do it"?
How is it possible to have sex without making love? Sex has
become a mere form of entertainment, a form of acquiring
pleasure without the feeling of love. It is not necessary to be
in love to make love. That seems to be the dominant view in
present society. Nightclubs, bars, pubs, are not only places
where someone goes for a drink but is somewhere where
someone can actually meet someone and sleep with them the
same night. People spend a great deal of time on themselves
working out, looking good so they can attract a member of
the opposite sex hoping that they would manage to sleep
with someone who looks good. Whatever happened to
actually knowing what someone really is like before actually
sleeping with them? After all is not the best pleasure
acquired only when we fall in love? Or is it that love has
become a rare part of life?
The 21st century has experienced Sex without Love, and in
the opinion of this reporter the American society has
witnessed the loss of basic human values. But I am sure that
there are people who might disagree. Although I feel that it is
imperative to stop and ask us, Why? This is an issue that
should be addressed lest it is too late.