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Essay/Term paper: Shakespeare's the comedy of errors

Essay, term paper, research paper:  Shakespeare

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Shakespeare's The Comedy of Errors

The Comedy of Errors was Shakespeare's first comedy. It is a light yet
dramatic play about a family of twins, their parents, and their twin servants,
who have been separated for over twenty years due to a tragic accident at sea.
The story, following the usual format of Shakespeare's work occurs and is
concluded all in one day. The twins run into each other the whole day through
and are mistaken for each other more than once. This confusion makes the
tragedy all the more hilarious. The action is ended in a dramatic and whirlwind
ending. All matters are cleared up, although the sanity still remains on the
brink of collapse. However, the tone of the play is overall cheerful and upbeat
and the ending maintains the mood.
I particularly enjoyed the confusion that identical twins caused even to
their close family members. The fact that Shakespeare was able to make the
dialogue fit in with the scenarios made the action even more comic. The idea of
the plot, although not completely original is still unique and is still used in
modern work, such as the TV sitcoms like "Sister, Sister." Something that
surprised me in the play was Adriana's character. She was insecure and
portrayed the typical damsel in distress. She was completely dependent on her
husband and this fact alone made the play somewhat out of date. Shakespeare is
said to be "not of an age, but for all times," but Adriana's character, in my
opinion, would not fit in to the modern world. I feel the most important part
of the play is the message it conveys and should be used as a moral today. The
whole play is based on family members who are trying to reunite. The play says
that even though there are troubling issues in our lives, we must remember our
families, for without them, we are lost.
The Comedy of Errors, like all of Shakespeare's plays is well worth
watching. I would recommend however, that you see the play performed, which is
how Shakespeare intended for his plays to be enjoyed. Seeing the action come
alive on stage makes the comedy more real and gives the viewer a true
appreciation of Shakespeare, the play, and of course, the actors. PPPP


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