Essay/Term paper: Ontrast between language of love in the balcony
Essay, term paper, research paper: Shakespeare
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In William Shakespeare's _Romeo and Juliet_, Shakespeare introduces many
themes that he continues throughout all of his tragedies, including the language
of love vs. the language of death. The balcony scene is the most valuable
scene illustrating the language of love, whereas in the final scene of the
play the language of death is used to set the stage for their suicides, pulling
together the tragic ending of the play.
Throughout the second scene of
Act II, Romeo uses beautiful metaphors and similes to express his affection
for Juliet:
O, speak again bright angel, for thou art
As glorious
to this night, being o'er my head
As is a winged messenger of heaven.(Rom.
II. II, 28-30.)
This passage is used to compare Juliet to an angel, somethign
that is universally held as sacred and lovely. Elsewhere in the scene there
are lines that describe their love for one another, and add to the romantic
theme of the scene:
And but thou love me, let them find me here.
My life better ended by their hate
The death prorogued, wanting
of thy love.(Rom. II. II, 76-78.)
In the final scene of the play, there
is much talk of death by Romeo, Friar Laurence, and Juliet. Romeo announces
his own demise in his soliloquy:
Depart again. Here, here I will remain
With worms and chambermaids. O, here
Will I set my everlasting
And shake the yoke of inauspicious stars
From this world-wearied
flesh. Eyes, look your last!
Arms, take your last embrace! And, lips,
O you
The doors of breath to engrossing death!(Rom. V. III, 108-114.)
Friar's Frantic wrods and actions in conflict to his previous calm stature
illustrate the grim mood of the scene:
Stay not to question, for the
watch is coming.
Come, go good Juliet. I dare no longer stay.(Rom.
V. III, 158-9.)
Both the language of love and the language og death play
important roles in the tragedy. They cooperate with light and dark imagery
to make the play the masterpiece it is, a play of paradoxes and oxymorons,
good and evil, neither one whole without the other. For without love there
would be nothing to lose, and without death there would be no way to lose it.