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Essay/Term paper: A beginning and end

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A Beginning and End

Gloria Skains English 101-10/ Perkins Comparison/Contrast

A Beginning and End

Thesis: There is a reason for all seasons, two of which are spring with
its new beginning and autumn with its incipient decline.

I. Spring
A. Daylight
B. Gardens
C. Insects
D. Color
E. Nests
F. Migratory birds
G. Coats of animals
H. Rain
II. Autumn
A. Daylight
B. Gardens
C. Insects
D. Color
E. Nests
F. Migratory birds
G. Coats of animals
H. Rain

Each change and occurence that takes place during each season is so
important to the outcome of the next, because the seasons are all entwined. The
activities which are common to each season have a profound effect on the cycle
of plant and animal life. There is a reason for all seasons, two of which are
spring with its new beginning and autumn with its incipient decline.
Mother nature wakes after a long restful sleep, stands, claps her hands,
and calls spring to attention because this is the time of reawakening, a sudden
surprising emergence after a period of concealed existence. I rise early
because the days are becoming longer now. As I walk and explore this new
morning, I cannot help but notice the activity that surrounds me. Gardens are
being tilled and planted for the ground is warm and will soon break with sprouts
of future bounty. Butterflies of every color are seen flittering and fluttering,
while insects of all kinds are heard buzzing and humming. Butterfly and insects
eagerly emerge from their winter homes intent on the tasks which lie ahead. The
landscape is a palette of every shade of green imagineable. Before my very eyes,
a kaleidoscope of colors splash the horizon as buds, leaves, and blossoms spring
forth and pollen fills the air. The nests of foul, squirrel, and other animals
are busy with activity for they are full with their young. Droves of geese and
other migratory birds flying in formation are seen and heard returning to
spring's warmer weather. Furry, feathery, and slimy creatures have begun
shedding their heavier coats as they, too, prepare for the warmer temperatures.
The intermittent spring showers encourage the abundant new growth of iris,
narcissus, tulips, and daffodils.
Months later, as I gaze out my window I notice the transformation that
is now taking place. What was once warm, bustling, and fresh has become cool,
calm, and wilted.
There is a stillness in the air as autumn appears. It is as if mother
nature sat, stretched her arms, and yawned, announcing the time has come for a
much needed rest. The nights are longer which makes it harder to wake. As I
stand at the window I cannot help but notice the calmness that surrounds me.
The change is apparent as activity slows because this is the time of full
maturity. Ravished fields and gardens are left to wither away as the final
harvesting comes to an end. The abundance of blooms have diminished so pollen
becomes less evident. The hives of wasps and bees are made ready for the winter
rest. Evidence of cocoons (future caterpillars and butterflies) are seen on
tree trunks and eaves. Leaves cover cars, roof tops, and the ground like a
blanket of snow, as trees and plants shed their leaves. The predominate
mixtures of brown, gray, and evergreen are everywhere. Acorns and other seeds
are shed, providing food for a multitude of animals. Mother nature distributes
the remaining seeds among her fields and her forests for the future growth of
plants and trees. Nests are now empty of their young. The migratory foul take
flight in their V-shaped formation in search of a warmer climate. Furry and
feathery creatures have now replaced their spring attire with fuller, heavier
coats and feathers. Less rain falls since less is needed. The excitement
diminishes as the preparation of rest takes place.
Many events have taken place throughout the year, some obvious and some
never acknowledged, but all are remarkable. The changing of the seasons are
many: a new beginning for every living thing to be fruitful and multiply, a time
for nourishment of both soil and its reapers, and a time for rest because
tomorrow is yet another beginning and end.


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