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Essay/Term paper: Kate's soliloquy

Essay, term paper, research paper:  Theater

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Kate's soliloquy bring about a joyous conclusion to The Taming of the Shrew. The
audience leaves the theatre with a pleasant feeling, glad that such a shrew could be tamed
so well. Kate herself realised the error of her ways, making the men feel confident while
making the women feel safe. Moreover, the audience found the speech to be very sound
and sensible, as the views expressed in the play were extremely popular at that point in
Kate, in realising her iniquitous ways, made the men feel extremely confident of
their status in Elizabethan society, and effectively reinforced their beliefs about their own
strength. Also, Shakespeare succeeds in creating a feeling of safety for the female
audience, as well as in making them feel as through they are accepted for their kindness
to men, and in the norm. Women, not having a strong role in society at that time,
enjoyed receiving praise and encouragement for their purpose in society. Furthermore,
they felt vindicated as Kate solemnly insulted the disobedient women (Bianca and the
Widow), telling them to "Come, come, you froward and unable worms!". It may also be
said that this play, as well as similar plays of the Elizabethan era, assisted in contributing
to the oppression of females in society for an innumerable amount of years.
After the conclusion of The Taming of the Shrew, including Kate's soliloquy, the
audience is left with a proud feeling - proud of the fact that Petruchio tamed such a shrew
so well. The men of the audience are about with feeling of satisfaction and justification.
Shakespeare skillfully catered towards both sexes by using Petruchio much like the
stereotypical action figure of today; a character who does the unbelievable effortlessly
and leaves the audience in awe. In the play Petruchio, short after the inception of his
skillful wooing, begins a plan "to kill a wife with kindness".
Craftily he gives her anything that she pleases, only to swipe it away when he finds a flaw
in the item. he also resorts to keeping Kate as a prisoner in his home, until she slowly
becomes subservient and submissive to him. Petruchio deftly puts all on the line with his
wager, "And he whose wife is most obedient ... Shall win the wager which we will
propose." Kate's soliloquy serves as final, unarguable proof of Petruchio's grand victory
and creates a cheerful mood throughout the audience.
Shakespeare, as a playwright during the Elizabethan era, had the difficult task of
writing plays which reflected the moral values of that time period, in addition to writing
them with humor and wit. With all of the unorthodox events in the centre of the play, the
ending is wrapped up very well; in a way that makes the audience feel very satisfied. the
audience found Kate's soliloquy very sound and sensible; likewise, they discovered Kate
herself to be quite the same. For instance the statement, "Thy husband is thy lord, thy
life, thy keeper, ... Thy head, thy sovereign; ..." from Kate's soliloquy made it obvious to
the audience that Kate had become a much better woman, according to the standards of
the Elizabethan era.
In conclusion, Kate's soliloquy was most likely found by the audience to be
extremely sound and sensible. Also, Kate herself realised the error of her ways, making
the women feel sheltered and making the men feel self assured about their dominant
position in society. The audience presumable went home contented, because such a
shrew was tamed, and could be tamed so well. Kate's soliloquy reinforced the moral
values of the Elizabethan era, making the conclusion of the play more enjoyable and

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