Research Paper, Essay on Medicine
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Category | Title | Body |
Medicine | A dna bank is good for all | Imagine that a convicted child molester is released from jail and that he is now traveling around the country looking for work. One day this criminal returns to his old ways and he attacks a young child whose dead body is found in a deserted field the following day. The only trace of evidence at the crime scene is a semen specimen on the boys clothes. Now this specimen could be useful if t... |
Medicine | A short overview of hurricanes | Hurricanes are powerful atmospheric vortices that are intermediate in size. Hurricanes are unique and powerful weather systems. The word "hurricane" comes from a Caribbean word meaning "big wind". Views of hurricanes can be seen from a satellite positioned thousands of miles above the earth. Hurricanes originate as tropical disturbances over warm oceans with trade winds. The tropical t... |
Medicine | About medical marijuana | About Medical Marijuana Marijuana is medicine. It has been used for thousands of years to treat a wide variety of ailments. Marijuana (Cannabis sativa L.) was legal in the United States for all purposes - industrial and recreational, as well as medicinal until 1937. Today, only eight Americans are legally allowed to use marijuana as medicine. NORML is working to restore marij... |
Medicine | Acquired immune deficiency syndrome | Acquired immune deficiency syndrome, or AIDS, is a recently recognized disease. It is caused by infection with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), which attacks selected cells in the IMMUNE SYSTEM and produces defects in function. These defects may not be apparent for years. They lead, however, to a severe suppression of the immune system's ability to resist harmful organisms. This leaves the ... |
Medicine | Acquired immune difficiency syndrome | Acquired Immune Difficiency Syndrome AIDS is a life and death issue. To have the AIDS diseas is at present a sentence of slow but inevitable death. I've already lost one friend to AIDS. I may soon lose others. My own sexual behavior and that of many of my friends has been profoundly altered by it. In my part of the country, one man in10 may already be car... |
Medicine | Acupuncture as an alternative medicine in the western culture | Debora Cytrynowicz Acupuncture as an Alternative Medicine ( in the Western Culture) Alternative medicine is a very general term whose definition can be very controversial. Basically, it is many holistic techniques for preventing and treating illnesses. Acupuncture, and many other therapies, have long been a part of Asian cultures and have recently been integrated into the Western culture. ... |
Medicine | Aids and its causes | AIDS and Its Causes 1.INTRODUCTION In June 1981, the centers for The Disease Control of the United States reported that five young homosexual men in the Los Angels area had contracted Pneumocystis Carinii pneumonia( a kind of pneumonia that is particularly found in AIDS patient). 2 of the patients had died. This report signalled the begninning of an epidemic of a viral disease ch... |
Medicine | Aids and you | AIDS is a life and death issue. To have the AIDS disease is at present a sentence of slow but inevitable death. I've already lost one friend to AIDS. I may soon lose others. My own sexual behavior and that of many of my friends has been profoundly altered by it. In my part of the country, one man in 10 may already be carrying the AIDS virus. While the figures may currently be less in much of the r... |
Medicine | Aids. is the message getting through? | AIDS - What's new ? ------------------- Is the message getting through? We already know enough about AIDS to prevent its spread, but ignorance, complacency, fear and bigotry continue to stop many from taking adequate precautions. We know enough about how the infection is transmitted to protect ourselves from it without resorting to such extremes as mandatory testing, enforced quarantine or total c... |
Medicine | Aids/hiv | AIDS/HIV Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, better known as AIDS, is caused by the incurable HIV virus. AIDS is a deadly disease that deteriorates the immune system. There are two groups of HIV (human immunodeficiency virus), HIV-1 that occurs throughout the world and HIV-2 that mainly occurs in Africa. The HIV virus enters the white blood cells and takes over the reproductive s... |
Medicine | Alchemy | Alchemy, ancient art practiced especially in the Middle Ages, devoted chiefly to discovering a substance that would transmute the more common metals into gold or silver and to finding a means of indefinitely prolonging human life. Although its purposes and techniques were dubious and often illusory, alchemy was in many ways the predecessor of modern science, especially the science of chemistr... |
Medicine | Alcohol | Alcohol is a drug, but unlike the other drug , marijuana, cocaine, heroine, and probably all the others for some reason this is socially accepted and is legal. Alcohol is bad for you and does have long term affects associated with it. Such as the long addiction to it, effects on the body, and the social interaction effects. Alcohol, and alcoholism is common in America, but drinking is more c... |
Medicine | Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (lou gherig's disease) | Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (Lou Gherig's Disease) Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis is a deadly disease of the nervous system. Also known as Lou Gehrig"s disease, ALS at this time affects 25,000 people in the U.S. today. One in 50,000 people will be affected in any one year. The average age for diagnosis of ALS is between 30 and 70, although there have been cases of teenagers contract... |
Medicine | An argument for animal research | An Argument For Animal Research English 103 Paper #1 Animal Rights Medicine has come a very long way since the days when men used to puncture holes into the skull to release tension or evil spirits. In the last one hundred years, for the sake of humanity, numerous vaccinations have been developed, disease and disorders of all types have been prevented, surgical techniques hav... |
Medicine | An end to genetic diseases | The United States has a very diverse heritage. There is no "American" race. Americans are the blending of many cultures throughout many generations. With this blending of cultures comes a blending of genes. In the past, genes have not been well understood. They were not understood until Mendel did experiments on plants to find out why different plants of the same species had differe... |
Medicine | Anabolic steroids | Anabolic Steroids Anabolic steroids are synthetic coumpounds formulated to be like the male sex hormone testosterone. Many athletes use anabolic steroids male and female alike, such as body builders , weightlifters, baseball players, football players, swimmers, and runners. They do so because they mistakenly believe that they will gain strength and size. In a male testosterone is... |
Medicine | Ancient astronomy | Astronomy has been a source for myriad ideas influencing every subject. The stars have existed since the dawn of man. People have looked to the universe to determine physical location, gain spiritual direction and to track time. Many early scientists used astronomy to make careers for themselves and print their names in all the history books of time. Since the beginning of time, the stars... |
Medicine | Angina pectoris | Tropical Africa: Food Production and the Inquiry Model Hunger is the result of disasters such as drought, floods, the .changing of the jet stream patterns and other natural disasters .They are beyond our control It has been estimated that one third of the land in Tropical Africa is potentially cultivable, though only about 6% of it is ,currently cultivated. However, to change farming from a l... |
Medicine | Animal rights | Animal Rights Ever since The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals in England in 1824 was formed there has been long running debates on the topic of animal rights. The first societies were formed to protect and maintain human treatment of work animals, such as cattle, horses and house hold pets. Towards the end of the 19th century more organizations were formed, this time ... |
Medicine | Animals in the research lab | Animals In The Research Lab The use of living animals is an important way to solve a medical problem. Researchers continually seek other models to understand the human organism, study disease processes, and test new therapies. In seeking quicker and not so expensive ways to look for biological information that can be applied to human disease, scientists sometimes study simpler t... |
Medicine | Anorexia | By: Anonymous It seems today that eating disorders are on the rise. While this may be true, the numbers may appear to grow only because more cases are being brought out into the open. The purpose of this paper is to discuss eating disorders and prove the these disease, specifically Anorexia Nervosa, continue to plague of women due to psychological and environmental factors along with pressure ... |
Medicine | Another greenhouse effect | The world is a greenhouse. The role of the atmosphere is to insulate and warm the surface of the earth. The greenhouse effect is not a new phenomenon. Humans can help reduce the increasing greenhouse effect. The atmosphere insulates and warms the surface of the earth. Incoming solar radiation passes through the atmosphere. The surface of the earth absorbs some of the radiation. The unabs... |
Medicine | Another tumours | A tumour is a mass of new tissue growth that does not react to normal controls or the organizing influence of other tissues, and it has no useful function in the body. This applies to both types of tumours, malignant and benign. Malignant, also known as, cancerous tumours, are additionally defined by their invasion of local tissue and their ability to spread to other parts of the body. Ben... |
Medicine | Another virtual reality | Imagine being able to point into the sky and fly. Or perhaps walk through space and connect molecules together. These are some of the dreams that have come with the invention of virtual reality. With the introduction of computers, numerous applications have been enhanced or created. The newest technology that is being tapped is that of artificial reality, or "virtual reality" (VR)... |
Medicine | Anti-matter | Anti-Matter Introduction Ordinary matter has negatively charged electrons circling a positively charged nuclei. Anti-matter has positively charged electrons - positrons - orbiting a nuclei with a negative charge - anti-protons. Only anti-protons and positrons are able to be produced at this time, but scientists in Switzerland have begun a series of experiments which they believe will lead to the c... |
Medicine | Antimmatter | Really long Physics paper We stand at the base of a new age. We are just now beginning to learn the intricate details of life, both macroscopic and microscopic. Ultimately these discoveries will benefit all of mankind. Never before have we enjoyed such a golden age for science and discovery. The scientific horizon looks fruitful. One such fruit is the discovery and application of a thing called a... |
Medicine | Apert syndrome | Apert Syndrome (AKA Alport syndrome) is a genetic defect which can be inherited from a parent who has Apert or a fresh mutation. It falls under the broad classification of craniofacial/limb anomalies. Approximately 1 per 160,000 to 200,000 live births inherit it. Some symptoms that Apert sufferers have are various heart defects, ear infections, severe acne, increased incidence of eye injuries, ... |
Medicine | Application of magnets | For Levitation In ancient times men knew of a special kind of rock that could pull other rocks of the same kind and pieces of iron toward themselves. Such rocks were called lodestones. Today man uses the same force exerted by electromagnets and permanent magnets to provide magnetic aide to trains and more efficient power generators. This report will focus on the use of magnets in the gener... |
Medicine | Are alternative fuels the best alternative? | Are Alternative Fuels The Best Alternative? With the millennium just around the corner, new energy conserving ideas are being brought to the market. Among the most prominent are cars powered by electricity, as opposed to gasoline. Electric vehicles seem practical, and they protect the environment by reducing pollution. But our economy would suffer colossal changes in order to accommodate these... |
Medicine | Arthritis | Osteoarthritis is a degenerative arthritis, a condition in which joint cartilage degenerates or breaks down. New tissue, which grows at the ends of bones, now has no cartilage cap to control it. Instead, this new bone forms into strange lips and spurs that grind and grate and get in the way of movement of the joint. Osteoarthritis is common in older people after years of wear-and-tear that thin... |
Medicine | Arthritis | Arthritis is a general term for approximately 100 diseases that produce either INFLAMMATION of connective tissues, particularly in joints, or noninflammatory degeneration of these tissues. The word means "joint inflammation," but because other structures are also affected, the diseases are often called connective tissue diseases. The terms rheumatism and rheumatic diseases are also used.... |
Medicine | Artificial insemination | Artificial insemination is the injection of SEMEN into the vagina by instrumental means. The first artificial inseminations of viviparous (live-bearing) animals were performed by the 18th-century Italian physiologist Lazzaro Spallanzani, who proved that the male contribution to reproduction resided in the semen, although he did not recognize spermatozoa as the fertilizing agents. Pioneering work i... |
Medicine | Aspirin | Aspirin may not be healthy for the DIGESTIVE TRACK it can also sometimes cause serious bleeding in the upper GASTROINTESTINAL tract. A study director of medicine said the risk of bleeding is directly related to aspirin. She also stated that ¼ of an aspirin is good for a day (about the same amount of a baby"s aspirin). Another thing she stated was that if you are taking aspirin for a... |
Medicine | Asthma | Asthma is a disorder that affects 20% of Australians in their childhood. It causes airways to narrow making it difficult to breathe. Symptoms may include loss of breathe in cold weather, wheezing and whistling. It may occur periodically in sudden sharp attacks. When an attack occurs - The muscles around the wind pipe tighten shrinking the airways. The wind pipe lining then swells (picture) ... |
Medicine | Asthma 2 | What is Asthma ? Asthma is a disorder that affects 20% of Australians in their childhood. It causes airways to narrow making it difficult to breathe. Symptoms may include loss of breathe in cold weather, wheezing and whistling. It may occur periodically in sudden sharp attacks. When an attack occurs - The muscles around the wind pipe tighten shrinking the airways. The wind pipe lining then... |
Medicine | Atlantis | Francis Bacon was the founder of the modern scientific method. The focus on the new scientific method is on orderly experimentation. For Bacon, experiments that produce results are important. Bacon pointed out the need for clear and accurate thinking, showing that any mastery of the world in which man lives was dependent upon careful understanding. This understanding is based solely on the... |
Medicine | Atlantis, a lost continent | Introduction. Atlantis was a continent of the Atlantic Ocean where, according to Plato, an advanced civilization developed some 11,600 years ago. Plato affirms that, as the result of a huge volcanic cataclysm of worldwide extent, this continent sunk away underseas, disappearing forever. Official Science - the one you learn at school - rejects the actual existence of Atlantis, as it has so far b... |
Medicine | Atmospheric circulation and more | The global energy balance and atmospheric motion mainly determine the circulation of the earth's atmosphere. There is a hierarchy of motion in atmospheric circulation. Each control can be broken down into smaller controlling factors. The global energy balance is an equal balance of short-wave radiation coming into the atmosphere and long-wave radiation going out of the atmosph... |
Medicine | Atomic bomb | The information contained in this file is strictly for academic use alone. Outlaw Labs will bear no responsibility for any use otherwise. It would be wise to note that the personnel who design and construct these devices are skilled physicists and are more knowledgeable in these matters than any layperson can ever hope to be... Should a layperson attempt to build a device such as this, chances are... |
Medicine | Azt | AZT The AIDS virus is one of the most deadly and most wide spread diseases in the modern era. The disease was first found in 1981 as doctors around the United States began to report groups of young, homosexual men developing a rare pneumonia caused by an organism called Penumocystis carini. These patients then went on to develop many other new and rare complications that had previous... |
Medicine | Beam-beam effect | Beam-beam effect, or beam-beam interaction, is a recent research being conducted over many areas throughout the world, from European laboratories to American Institutes. Basically the issue involves the passing through of proton bunches which results in many different types of effect, sometimes including the unexpected. Aside from the shooting of particles across one another, usually the collision... |
Medicine | Bears beware | In our world today many animals and plants are loosing their fight against human intervention in their once well-balanced ecosystem. We are all aware of the extinction of the dinosaurs and the dodo birds, however most people do not realize that annually thousands of species of our flora and fauna are now becoming extinct. This on going trend is increasingly threatening our bio diversity and... |
Medicine | Bed-wetting | Bed-wetting, or enuresis, is involuntary urination that usually occurs during sleep. It is common in children up to age 5, and about 15 percent of older children aged 5 to 13 also have bed-wetting episodes. The precise cause is unknown, but it may be due to delayed development of bladder capacity, constipation, or diseases, such as urinary tract infection, kidney disease, or diabetes melli... |
Medicine | Bengal tiger | The Bengal Tiger The Bengal tiger is a carnivorous, mammal primarily from India. It lives in habitats such as the coniferous Himalayan Forest, the mangroves of the Sunderbans, the hills of the Indian Peninsula, or the forests of Rajasthan and Northern India. At one time Bengal tigers were scattered throughout Asia. Now they are generally found in India and some regions of Bangledesh, Bhutan,... |
Medicine | Big bang | It is always a mystery about how the universe began, whether if and when it will end. Astronomers construct hypotheses called cosmological models that try to find the answer. There are two types of models: Big Bang and Steady State. However, through many observational evidences, the Big Bang theory can best explain the creation of the universe. The Big Bang model postulates that about 15... |
Medicine | Big bang theory | It is always a mystery about how the universe began, whether if and when it will end. Astronomers construct hypotheses called cosmological models that try to find the answer. There are two types of models: Big Bang and Steady State. However, through many observational evidences, the Big Bang theory can best explain the creation of the universe. The Big Bang model postulates that about ... |
Medicine | Bipolar disorder | Bipolar Disorder The phenomenon of bipolar affective disorder has been a mystery since the 16th century. Bipolar disorder or as the alternate names, manic depressive illness or affective bipolar disorder can be classified as a mood disorder characterized by mood swings from manis (exaggerated feeing of well-being) to depression. History has shown that this affliction can appear in almost... |
Medicine | Birth control | The practice of birth control prevents conception, thus limiting reproduction. The term birth control, coined by Margaret SANGER in 1914, usually refers specifically to methods of contraception, including STERILIZATION. The terms family planning and planned parenthood have a broader application. METHODS OF BIRTH CONTROL Attempts to control fertility have been going on for thousands of year... |
Medicine | Birth defects | Birth defects, or congenital malformations, are the faulty formation of structures or body parts present at birth. Sporadic, hereditary, or acquired defects may be immediately observed or may become manifest later in life; they may be visible on the body surface or present internally. Birth defects may be life threatening and require surgical correction, or they may interfere with function... |
Medicine | Black holes | If theories of their existence are true, black holes are the most powerful force in the known physical universe. Many people are familiar with the term black hole, but few people actually know anything about them. A black hole forms as a result of a massive star running out of fuel to burn (Chaisson, 193). Once the star is no longer exerting outward force by burning off gases, it begins to... |
Medicine | Black holes 2 | Everyday we look out upon the night sky, wondering and dreaming of what lies beyond our planet. The universe that we live in is so diverse and unique, and it interests us to learn about all the variance that lies beyond our grasp. Within this marvel of wonders our universe holds a mystery that is very difficult to understand because of the complications that arise when trying to examine a... |
Medicine | Black widow spiders | Adult black widow spiders have a shiny, black, rounded, circular abdomen and are about 1/3 inch long (about 1-1/2 inches when their legs are spread). Adult spiders have two reddish or yellowish triangles on their bottom which looks like an hourglass marking, and their body color is dark colored usually black or sometimes dark brown. They are usually recognized because of their red or r... |
Medicine | Blindness | The term blindness implies total or partial loss of vision involving both eyes. The exact level of vision defined as blindness, however, varies in different countries because of differing legal or social requirements. In the United States, blindness is defined as unimprovable vision of 20/200 (6/60) or worse. This means that an individual is generally considered blind who, even with the us... |
Medicine | Boa snakes | Boa is the common name for about 6 genera and 50 species of SNAKES that constitute the family Boidae. Closely related to PYTHONS, the family includes the largest of all snakes, the water-dwelling ANACONDA of South America. Among other boas are the smaller sand boas, Eryx, and the woodsnakes, Tropidolphus and related genera. The typical boa genera are ground or tree dwellers of tropical Am... |
Medicine | Bombs | A bomb is a container filled with an explosive, incendiary matter, or gas that can be dropped, hurled, or set in place to be detonated by an attached exploding device. It may range in design from a homemade device used by terrorists, assassins, or clandestine raiders to a sophisticated weapon of war. The original bomb, an ancestor of the hand-thrown GRENADE, was a simple container filled w... |
Medicine | Bone diseases | Bone diseases most directly influence the ability to walk or to move any part of the body--hands, limbs, neck, and spine. They are related to joint disorders--ARTHRITIS, COLLAGEN DISEASE, DISLOCATION of joints, and RHEUMATISM. The medical specialty pertaining to bone disorders is ORTHOPEDICS. Fractures are the most common bone disorders. They can occur as the result of an accident or be s... |
Medicine | Botany | Botany Choosing a career in botany ensures a person a wide choice of career opportunities, a fair salary, and an exciting life. If you prepare yourself with a good education and a positive attitude, you"ll be well on your way to becoming a successful botanist. Anyone can find enjoyment and fulfillment in a career field as fun and beneficial to others as botany. If you like nature and bei... |
Medicine | Bovine spongiform encephalopathy | Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) is a relatively new disease found primarily in cattle. This disease of the bovine breed was first seen in the United Kingdom in November 1986 by histopathological examination of affected brains (Kimberlin, 1993) . From the first discovery in 1986 to 1990 this disease developed into a large-scale epidemic in mos... |
Medicine | Bowen's family systems framework | The purpose of this paper is to explain using Bowen's family systems framework, how an individual's level of differentiation and anxiety influence family relationships and strengths. Bowen's family systems theory addresses how patterns of interaction in the family of origin influence a couple's interaction in the next generation with their children. Bowen describes the differences in fam... |
Medicine | Brain transplant | Brain Transplant Medical technology has seemed to advance enough so that doctors are able to perform brain transplants. So far this procedure has only been successfully performed on animals, and now doctors hope to perform this procedure on humans. I believe brain transplants should not be performed at all, and especially not on humans because of the numerous problems and side e... |
Medicine | Bronchitis | Bronchitis is an INFLAMMATION of the membrane that lines the air passages, or, bronchial tubes, of the LUNGS and results in the narrowing of these air passages. This disorder may be of either an acute or chronic type. Irritation of mucus-producing glands within the membrane results in the production of excess bronchial secretions. The main symptoms of bronchitis are cough and increased ex... |
Medicine | Bubonic plague | Bubonic Plague The disease is called the Bubonic Plague. It is caused by the bacteria Bacillus. Also now known as the "Bubonic plague". It is a plague because of its widespread fatality throughout history. The cause of this disease is the Yersinia petis bacterium. The Bubonic plague is transmitted from fleas to humans. You can contract the disease either by being bitten by the ... |
Medicine | Bulimia nervosa | A variation of Anorexia, Bulimia ranges from excessive food intake, to an out of control compulsive cycle of binge eating where extraordinary amounts of any available food, usually of high carbohydrate content, may be consumed. Once having gorged, the victims are overcome with the urge to rd themselves of what they hate eaten by purging themselves, usually by vomiting, and sometimes by mas... |
Medicine | Cadmium | Cadmium, symbol, Cd, is a silvery white metallic chemical element with a faint blue tinge to it. It is the fifty-seventh most commonly found element in the earth. It was discovered by F. Stromeyer, in 1817, in Germany. Stromeyer was studying a sample of zinc carbonate which separated into a the new element ultimately called cadmium. The only cadmium materials, greenockite (cadmium sulfide)... |
Medicine | Calcium resume | Calcium QUALIFICATIONS You probably know that calcium is an important role in building healthy teeth and bones, but there are many other things that calcium has positive affects on. For example while women are pregnant, if their daily intake of calcium increases it will lower her blood pressure. By lowering her blood pressure it will make the pregnancy mu... |
Medicine | Canavan's disease | Canavan's Disease Canavan's disease which is also called spongy brain degeneration is not a very common disease. This disease affects about 1 in 30,000 to 40,000 children, and in the Ashkenazic Jewish community it affects 1 in 3,5000 children. The disease destroys the insulating sheath, called myelin surrounding the nerve cells. This degeneration is so extensive that it inhibits th... |
Medicine | Cancer | Cancer Right now, cancer is one of the most feared diseases in the world. In the early 1990s almost 6 million new cancer cases developed and more than 4 million deaths from cancers occurred. Also more than one-fifth of all deaths were caused by cancer and it has been predicted, by the American Cancer Society, that about 33% of Americans will eventually develop this disease. This is a... |
Medicine | Cancer | I chose to do my report on cancer because it is a subject I want to learn about and because it can probably fit 5 pages. My bibliography is on the ending of the report, my teacher helped me with it because I didnt know how to do it. Cancer is the name for tumors that are malignant. Malignant tumors do not respond to body mechanisms that limit growing. Malignant tumors show a not normal cell ... |
Medicine | Cancer: the costs, causes, and cures | Cancer: The Costs, Causes, and Cures Cancer is a major killer of people all around the globe. We do not have a definite cure, but the amount of research done on this one disease costs on the average of $1.2 billion dollars annually, and $20 billion annually in care of cancer patients. What is Cancer? Cancer is a broad ranging term that is used by many people, including medical p... |
Medicine | Cannibis sativa | Throughout history marijuana has been used to serve various purposes in many different cultures. The purposes have changed over time to fit in with the current lifestyles. This pattern is also true in American history. The use of marijuana has adapted to the social climate of the time. Marijuana, whose scientific name is cannibis sativa, was mentioned in historical manuscripts as ea... |
Medicine | Carbon dioxide | Carbon Dioxide is a colorless, odorless gas that occurs in small quantities in the earth's atmosphere naturally. The earth's ocean, soil, plants and animals release CO2. The formula of Carbon Dioxide is CO2. The CO2 molecule contains 2 oxygen atoms that each share 2 electrons with a carbon atom to form 2 carbon - oxygen double bonds. The atoms are arranged as so (OHT). This is called a 'linea... |
Medicine | Carbon dioxide in beverages | Carbon dioxide is a colorless gas, it has a small but sharp odor and a slightly sour taste. Each molecule of carbon dioxide consists of one atom of carbon and two atoms of oxygen. Its chemical formula is CO2. Carbon Dioxide is about 1.5 times heavier than air. The specific volume at atmospheric pressure (101.3 kilopascals) and 70º F (21º C) is 8.74 ft3/lb. Under normal conditions it... |
Medicine | Carl gustav jung | Carl Gustav Jung was a Swiss psychiatrist and founder of the school of analytical psychology. He proposed and developed the concepts of the extroverted and introverted personality, archetypes, and the collective unconscious. The issues that he dealt with arose from his personal experiences. For many years Jung felt as if he had two separate personalities. One introverted while the other wa... |
Medicine | Cats as carnivorous predators | Cats as Carnivorous Predators Throughout the course of evolution the cat"s ability to survive in the wild has become extremely dependent upon its hunting ability. In order for feral, or undomesticated, cats to survive on their own in the wild they have developed hereditary traits and instincts from their ancestors throughout time. Though these hereditary traits that they have inherited are... |
Medicine | Cell division | Cell Division Why must cells divide? To start it off, cells can"t keep growing forever, so when they reach a certain size they will have to divide. Cells divide for four important reasons; reproduction, growth, repair, and replacement of damaged or worn out cells. Most cells divide at least once during their life cycle and some divide divide dozens of time times before they die. There are ... |
Medicine | Challenger | On January 26, 1986, one of the greatest disasters of our time occurred. When Challenger was destroyed many questions were asked about the safety of space missions. Many questions were asked about the credibility of the engineers who designed the air craft. It is now know that crucial information about the faulty O-rings was know to many if not all of the engineers. These engineers had man... |
Medicine | Charles darwin | Darwin was born in February, 1809. He left the school at Shrewsbury to the University of Edinburgh to study medicine. In 1827 he dropped out of medical school and entered the University of Cambridge, intending to become a clergyman. There he met Adam Sedgwick, a geologist and John Stevens Henslow, a naturalist. Henslow not only helped build Darwin's self-confidence but also taught his st... |
Medicine | Cheetahs | For my vertebrate animal I chose the Cheetah. The Cheetah or Acinonyx Jubatus is an endangered species. They were once found throughout Africa and Asia, but are now only scattered throughout Eastern Africa and a small region of Southwestern Africa. Cheetahs are threatened by increasing loss of habitat, decline in prey, and increased poaching for fur trade. The Cheetah has a tawny coarse coat... |
Medicine | Chemical warfare | Chem Warfare It was not until the early 1930's that German chemists observed that organo-phosphorus compounds could be poisonous. In 1934, Dr Gerhard Schrader, a chemist at IG Farben, was given the task of developing a pesticide. Two years later a phosphorus compound with extremely high toxicity was produced for the first time. According to contemporary regulations, discoveries with milit... |
Medicine | Chimpanzees | Chimpanzees are a genus of the great ape of Africa, with long black hair and log protruding ears. Humans know them for their intelligence and there very similarities. They have developed family ties similar to man. Over the generations they have even had developed tools out of natural materials. Food for chimpanzees is very important to them due to the excessive amount eating. Chimpanzee... |
Medicine | Climate change and world food supply | The world needs to think of how the climate is changing the food supply of the earth. The climate is doing some really bad things to the earth. The atmosphere is also not in good shape because of climate change. Humans now need to think of how climate change is affecting people. Climate change is affecting the food supply of the world. The climate change is rapidly affecting the earth.... |
Medicine | Coevolution, with particular reference to herbivory | COEVOLUTION with particular reference to herbivory BIOL 0106 ASSESED COURSEWORK RORY AULD JANUARY 2000 COEVOLUTION WITH PARTICULAR REFERENCE TO HERBIVORY Of all the extant organisms in the world, it is believed that terrestrial plants and their natural "enemies" constitute more than forty percent. Moreover, plants exhibit a remarkable dive... |
Medicine | Colorado river | Geographers can tell you that the one thing that most rivers and their adjacent flood plains in the world have in common is that they have rich histories associated with human settlement and development. This especially true in arid regions which are very dependent upon water. Two excellent examples are the Nile and the Tigris-Euphrates rivers which show use the relationship between rivers ... |
Medicine | Comets | The first written records of comets date back to nearly 3,000 years ago from China and Europe. The accounts of these comets were believed to be the causes of terrible events that occurred afterwards. In more recent times, however, astronomers have found out what they really are. A comet is basically a mixture of ices, from both water and frozen gases, and dust. They have also been given the name... |
Medicine | Common viral cold | My report is on the common viral cold, I would like to go talk about how it is cought, its symptoms and how to cure it as quick as possible. The common cold is cought by coming in contact with some one who has the virus, thus the cold is cought through direct contact, from one infected person to the next, or from, Being in side in the winter time with the heater on all the time, the lack o... |
Medicine | Community and race | Community and race are directly related to each other. Since community is a large society composed of a number of people with different backgrounds, people are categorized into several groups according to their ethnicity. Moreover, each of the particular ethnic groups is considered a subculture group. Although the subculture groups follow the same laws and rules of the community, they shar... |
Medicine | Condoms, std's, & pregnancy | During the 1980s, efforts increased to alert the public to the dangers of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), and unintended pregnancy, yet these problems have increased. Adolescents and young adults have been especially hard hit. Pregnancy and birth rates among teenagers are at their highest levels in two decades. Research has demonstrated that cons... |
Medicine | Crack | Cocaine Base (Crack Cocaine) As mentioned above, powder cocaine cannot be smoked unless chemically altered using the dangerous freebasing technique. Late summer of 1985, New York City drug dealers put an end to the need for freebasing powder cocaine. These same drug entrepreneurs would revolutionize the sale of cocaine and bring terror to the streets of America. The exact inventor of cra... |
Medicine | Creation science | Creationism is a religious metaphysical theory about the origin of the universe. It is not a scientific theory. Technically, creationism is not necessarily connected to any particular religion. It simply requires a belief in a Creator. Millions of Christians and non-Christians believe there is a Creator of the universe and that scientific theories such as the the theory of evolution do not conflic... |
Medicine | Crickets | Insects have been a nuisance to man since the beginning of time, up until the present. One of the plagues that struck Egypt was swarms of crickets, and locusts, which destroyed crops, and ate entire fields. Swarms of Crickets can cover up to 210 km. There have been cases of up to 100,000,000,000 insects in a swarm (one hundred billion). In these huge masses, they can completely destroy the... |
Medicine | Crimonology | If you look up the word criminology in the dictionary it would be defined as a scientific study of crime as a social phenomenon. Social phenomenon? Say what? Criminology is a social science rather than a branch of law. Although there are several different theories surrounding criminology, they all share a common goal: the search for the causes of criminal behavior in the hopes that this info... |
Medicine | Cultural evolution | Cultural evolution began to occur during the most recent Ice Age, or within the last hundred or fifty thousand years. This is when the tools that's are used for sophisticated hunting are found; for example the spear thrower, the fully barbed harpoon, and the flint master tools that were used to make all the hunting tools. Cultural evolution took shape because man had the flexibility of mind to ... |
Medicine | Current status of malaria vaccinology | Current Status of Malaria Vaccinology In order to assess the current status of malaria vaccinology one must first take an overview of the whole of the whole disease. One must understand the disease and its enormity on a global basis. Malaria is a protozoan disease of which over 150 million cases are reported per annum. In tropical Africa alone more than 1 million children under the ... |
Medicine | Cystic fibrosis | Cystic fibrosis is the most common autosomal recessive genetic disease of white Indo-Europeans (Caucasians). Three main systems are usually affected by cystic fibrosis. These include the lungs and respiratory tract, the digestive tract (especially the pancreas and intestines) and the sweat glands. The lungs will normally have a thick mucus line them in cases of cystic fibrosis which requires p... |
Medicine | Dams | Many people have already dammed a small stream using sticks and mud by the time they become adults. Humans have used dams since early civilization, because four-thousand years ago they became aware that floods and droughts affected their well-being and so they began to build dams to protect themselves from these effects.1 The basic principles of dams still apply today as they did before; a... |
Medicine | Database integration | 1. System Architektur Folgende Tools werden von uns für verwendet, die es uns erlauben unseren Partnern eine sichere E-commerce Lösung anzubieten. · Apache Web Server · Mod_SSL – Ein Modul für SSL (Secure Socket Layers) · OpenSSL – Open Source Toolkit (benötigt für Mod_SSL) · MySQL – Ein SQL Datenbank-Server · PHP4/Zend â€... |
Medicine | Depletion of the ozone layer | The ozone layer diminishes more each year. As the area of polar ozone depletion (commonly called the ozone hole) gets larger, additional ultraviolet rays are allowed to pass through. These rays cause cancer, cataracts, and lowered immunity to diseases.1 What causes the depletion of the ozone layer? In 1970, Crutzen first showed that nitrogen oxides produced by decaying nitrous o... |
Medicine | Diabetes | Diabetes Diabetes is a disease in which your body is unable to properly use and store glucose. Glucose backs up in the bloodstream causing your blood glucose or "sugar" to rise too high. There are two major types of diabetes, Type I and Type II. In Type I diabetes, your body completely stops producing any insulin, a hormone that lets your body use glucose found in foods for energy.... |
Medicine | Diabetes mellitus | DIABETES MELLITUS In the United States, about 16 million people suffer from diabetes mellitus, although only half of these individuals are diagnosed. Every year, about 650,000 people learn they have the disease. Diabetes mellitus is the seventh leading cause of all deaths and the sixth leading cause of all deaths caused by disease. Diabetes is the most common in adults over 45 years of ... |
Medicine | Diet and cancer... what is the link? | Diet and Cancer... What is the Link? Today we know that too much of a certain type of foods can have harmful effects on our health and well-being and we are learning that diseases such as cancer are caused in part by our dietary choices. In the 1950's scientists discovered relationship between diet and coronary heart disease, the nations number one killer. In the last 15 year a lin... |
Medicine | Dioxin pollution | Dioxin is one of the most toxic chemicals known. A report released for public comment in September 1994 by the US Environmental Protection Agency clearly describes dioxin as a serious public health threat. The public health impact of dioxin may rival the impact that DDT had on public health in the 1960's. According to the EPA report, not only does there appear to be no "safe" lev... |
Medicine | Diphtheria | I am doing a report on the disease Diphtheria. The definition of the disease is a bacterial disease that affects the throat and can cause serious or fatal complications. It is a serious disease caused by the bacterium. There is a lot of history on this disease. In the late 1800"s diphtheria came across western Europe and the United States, it killed thousands of children. The diphtheria cha... |
Medicine | Dna: the thread of life | DNA: The Thread of Life The "thread of life", is deoxyribonucleic acid, otherwise known as DNA. It is the spiral shaped molecule found in the nucleus of cells. Scientists have known since 1952 that DNA is the basic substance of heredity. This was hypothesized, and later confirmed by James D. Watson and Francis Crick. They also know that it acts like a biological computer program o... |
Medicine | Earth science rocks | The 8 most common elements in the earth's crust are Oxygen, Silicon, Aluminum, Iron, Calcium, Sodium, Potassium, & Magnesium. They compose 98.5% of the total crust. A mineral occurs naturally, is a soli, inorganic, has chemical composition and a crystalline structure. Native minerals are single elements. Compounds are 2 or more. There are more compound than native. You can identify mi... |
Medicine | Earthquakes | I chose to research earthquakes and the prediction of earthquakes because I was curious as to how they work. In this paper, I will discus the history of earthquakes, the kinds and locations of earthquakes, earthquake effects, intensity scales, prediction, and my own predictions. An earthquake can be defined as vibrations produced in the earth's crust. Tectonic plates have friction between the... |
Medicine | Eating disorders | Imagine a thirteen-year-old girl who weighs 60 pounds because she is starving herself. Every time she looks in the mirror, she sees herself as fat. Picture her parents watching their daughter literally disintegrating into thin air. This is the life of a family dealing with an eating disorder. Eating disorders are a major problem with the young people of today's society. While anorexia and b... |
Medicine | Ebola | The Ebola Virus Overview of the Virus Official Name: Ebola Haemorrhagic Fever I. Initial Symptoms A. Sudden Fever B. Weakness C. Muscle Pain D. Headache E. Sore Throat II. Secondary Symptoms A. Vomiting B. Diarrhea C. Rash D. Limited Kidney Function E. Limited Liver Function F. Internal and External Bleeding III. Incubation A. 2 to 21 days B. It remains in the male"s rep... |
Medicine | Ebola and marburg viruses | Ebola and Marburg Viruses The Ebola and Marburg viruses are extremely lethal viruses that have placed repugnant thoughts on the minds of many people that have any background knowledge on this field of viral infections. Where does it come from? Where does it hide? What could it do to me? As these questions burn holes in the minds of many people, something should be done to... |
Medicine | Ebola virus | Ebola Virus With a ninety percent mortality rate, high mutation capability, and opportunities for genetic re-assortment Ebola Zaire is one of the most deadly and unforgiving viruses in the known world. A new family of viruses termed filoviruses, was first discovered in 1967 Marburg W. Germany. Ebola Zaire was first isolated in 1976 at Center of Disease Control, Porton Down i... |
Medicine | Ecology | In the original Greek "oikos" means, "house". So ecology is "the study of the house" the place where you live, or the environment which technically includes all those factors, both nonliving and living, that affect an organism. Ecology then is the study of the interactions of organisms in their environment includes both the living (biotic) and physical (abiotic... |
Medicine | Effects of altitude on human physiology | The Effects Of Altitude On Human Physiology Changes in altitude have a profound effect on the human body. The body attempts to maintain a state of homeostasis or balance to ensure the optimal operating environment for its complex chemical systems. Any change from this homeostasis is a change away from the optimal operating environme... |
Medicine | Effects of anobolic steroids | The Effects of Anabolic Steroids You"ve all seen them, the enormously large muscle-heads at the gym, the participates of the World"s Strongest Man Competition, the amazing offensive tackles, and the lightning fast runners. They were all unnaturally strong, and looked like gods. You tend to obsess over how beautiful their bodies are, how strong they are, or how fast they can run. All you can ... |
Medicine | Effects of codiene on the human body | Effects of Codeine on the Human Body Codeine is mainly used as a pain reliever, but is also used for the relief of a non-productive cough, and as an anti-diarrheal agent. 120mg of codeine administered SC (subcutaneously, injected under the skin) provides pain relief equal to 10mg of morphine administered by the same route. Doses used to relieve cough or diarrhea range from 5mg to 30mg. Codeine... |
Medicine | Electromagnetic spectrum | The electromagnetic spectrum is made up of six different types of waves. Radio waves, Microwaves, Infrared waves, Visible light, Ultraviolet light, X-rays and Gamma rays. The radio waves are used to transmit radio and television signals. The infrared waves are used to tell temperature of areas. Visible light is all the colors that we can see. Ultraviolet light can help things grow ... |
Medicine | Elephantiasis | I did my report on filariasis, which is more commonly known as elephantiasis. Elephantiasis is the late phase of filariasis. Filariasis is a tropical mosquito born parasitic disease causing obstruction of the lymph vessels. In some people the presence of the worm causes a tissue reaction that causes the lymph flow to be blocked. This blockage produces lymphedema which is a swelling and can... |
Medicine | Endangered species | Bonnie Gleason Ecology October 20,1995 Endangered Species One example that can affect mankind if not foretell it, that seems small and insignificant, is the disappearance of frogs. In 1970, a science students was studying frogs. While collecting information out in a field, she had to take care not to step on any of the f... |
Medicine | Enigmatic lights on the moon | Enigmatic lights seen on the Moon are a classic example of a Fortean enigma. Called transient lunar phenomena (TLP), they have been a mystery and a source of wonder to skywatchers since the earliest times. And yet, as astronomer Peter Grego points out, despite a wealth of detailed observations we seem no closer to an understanding of what these anomalous flashes are. Not long after the telescop... |
Medicine | Enviormental affects of global warming | Environmental effects of global warming The greenhouse effect and global warming are issues that are talked about by geologists all the time. The greenhouse effect is a natural process that keeps the earth at temperatures that are livable. Energy from the sun warms the earth when its heat rays are absorbed by greenhouse gasses and become trapped in the atmosphere. Some of the most common... |
Medicine | Enviormentalism | Evironmentalism: The Next Step Broad Social Change Through Personal Commitment Introduction In the last thirty years, America has witnessed an environmental revolution. New laws like the 1963 Clean Air Act and the 1974 Safe Drinking Water Act forged new ground in political environmentalism. Social phenomena like Earth Day, organized by Dennis Hayes in 1970, and the beginning of large-scale recycli... |
Medicine | Environmental air pollution | My views of the environment are rooted in my belief in creation. I do not believe that life on earth began spontaneously, nor do I believe that the earth is so delicately balanced. I don"t believe that the earth and its ecosystem are fragile. Many radical environmentalists do, they believe man can come along, all by themselves and change everything for worse. After hundreds of millions of yea... |
Medicine | Enzymes | The structure of the enzyme is mainly dependent on the active site and variable groups. Extreme temperatures or extreme pHs can alter the structure of an enzyme. Enzymes function to lower the activation energy to break the bonds. They achieve this by putting stress and pressure on the bonds or creating a microenvironment for the substrate. Enzymes are regulated by inhibitors or activators and c... |
Medicine | Essay of eukaryotic organelles | The mitochondria has an eggshape structure. The mitochondria consists of an inner and outer membrane. The outer membrane is what shapes the organelle to its egglike shape. The inner membrane which folds inward makes a set of "shelves" or cristae that allow the reactions of the mitochondria to take place. The more the mitochondria makes these reactions the more the inner m... |
Medicine | Ethical problem: drinking alcohol | Ethical Problem: Drinking Alcohol Jim Polak Group #3 Ethical Problem 4/1/96 During my high school years, I had to make many decisions. Some of these decisions came easily to me, like what clothes to wear to school. Some of them took more thought, like what classes I should take during the upcoming semester. And some of them were questions that kept me up all night to decide ... |
Medicine | Ethics in physical therapy | Ethics in Physical Therapy One of the most rapidly growing occupations in the United States today is Physical Therapy. The United States Department of Labor has projected 23,000 unfilled physical therapist positions in the year 2000 and a lack of qualified physical therapists to fill them ( While Physical Therapy grows rapidly, questions of ethics in this field have also grown ... |
Medicine | Etrade | E*trade is… Provider of online investing services. It has established a popular, branded destination Web site for self-directed investors. It offers automated order placement and execution, along with a suite of products that can be personalized. (Dow Jones Interactive) As of September 30, 1999, Etrade had 1,551,000 active brokerage accounts, up 185% for the year, with assets held in ... |
Medicine | Evidence for evolution | Since Darwin"s death in 1882, there have been many new evidences that support the theory of Evolution. The different types are the studies of fossils, the comparisons of organism structures and the vast knowledge of DNA. FOSSILS ARE ANY TRACES OF DEAD ORGANISMS One concept that is discussed is the concept of fossils. Examples of fossils are footprints of early humans, insects trapped in t... |
Medicine | Evolution | It has been over 100 years since English naturalist Charles Darwin first told the world his revolutionary concept about how livings things develop. Evolution through natural selection and adaptation was the basis of his argument as it remains to this day a debated subject by many. Across this nation, a "return" to "traditional" values has also brought the return of age o... |
Medicine | Evolution, just a stupid religion | The following is an essay I found on It is entirely the authors own work and I have not changed anything in it. This is a clear depiction on how textbooks brainwash children into believing that hocus pocus is fact. After this essay I will explain, scientifically, in what ways the big bang is nothing more than a well thought up story, and how evolution is nothing more than ... |
Medicine | External temps. on crayfish and mice | Animal metabolism consists of the utilization of nutrients absorbed from the digestive tract and their catabolism as fuel for energy or their conversion into substances of the body. Metabolism is a continuous process because the molecules and even most cells of the body have brief lifetimes and are constantly replaced, while tissue as a whole maintains its characteristic structure. This constant r... |
Medicine | Eye tracking techniques improve aircraft simulators | A simulated flight environment for pilot training may soon be made more realistic through the use of eye-tracking technology developed by researchers at the University of Toronto's Institute of Biomedical Engineering (IMBE). Many safety and cost benefits are obtained by training aircraft pilots under simulated conditions, but to be effective the simulation must be convicingly realistic. At present... |
Medicine | Facisc | FASCISM When the word "fascism" is mentioned people usually associate the word with German Nazis". There is more to fascism than just German Nazis." Fascism is an interesting topic that should be further examined and explained so it is no longer simply associated with German Nazis". This essay will explain what fascism is (definition), how fascism groups are run, the ideology of fascism... |
Medicine | Fluids and hydration | How important are fluids? Fluid replacement is probably the most important nutritional concern for athletes. Approximately 60% of your body weight is water. As you exercise, fluid is lost through your skin as sweat and through your lungs when you breathe. If this fluid is not replaced at regular intervals during exercise, you can become dehydrated. When you are dehydrated, you have a s... |
Medicine | Fruit flys | Introduction From simple heredity experiments with garden peas, to cloning sheep, the field of genetics has come a long way. Now we are closer to mapping out the human genetic map due to advances in technology, and years and years of research. Perhaps the most influential and groundbreaking scientist, Gregor Mendel, he was responsible to provide a path to where genetics is now today with his e... |
Medicine | Gene manipulation | Throughout time, man has always questioned science. Man has been curious about life, space, our bodies, and our existence. Man has gone as far as to the moon, and cloning. Everyday there are new developments being researched. Along with these developments come the people"s opinion. Many people question the positive outcomes and negative outcomes of procedures such as gene manipulation, cloning... |
Medicine | Gene therapy | Many diseases seen today are the result of a defective gene in the DNA of the patient and can not be cured using the traditional methods such as antibiotics and antiviral medication. The victims are now looking to gene therapy as a potential cure for their problems. Bob Williamson introduces us the concept, procedures, and problems associated with gene therapy in his article, ¡°Gene T... |
Medicine | Geneology | Genetic Engineering Two years ago Scottish scientists announced that they had successfully cloned a sheep. They named it dolly and it was an exact copy of the original sheep. Is cloning morally right? Is it ethical? Some people think that it is wrong and that it shouldn"t be practiced on any animal. In this report I will tell you about genetics, cloning and whether I think i... |
Medicine | Genetic engineering, history and futurealtering the face of science | Science is a creature that continues to evolve at a much higher rate than the beings that gave it birth. The transformation time from tree-shrew, to ape, to human far exceeds the time from analytical engine, to calculator, to computer. But science, in the past, has always remained distant. It has allowed for advances in production, transportation, and even entertainment, but neve... |
Medicine | Genetic modified food | Genetic modification of organisms in general is a biotechnological process that forces genes to behave according to certain characteristics. Changing characteristics of organisms is based on changing their DNA (tech deoxyribonucleic acid; the acid which carries genetic information in a cell). It is being used for modifying genes in plants, animals or micro-organisms. It is being also used ... |
Medicine | Georgia | The state of Georgia has a total area of 152,750 sq km (58,977 sq mi), including 2618 sq km (1011 sq mi) of inland water and 122 sq km (47 sq mi) of coastal waters over which the state has jurisdiction. The state is the 24th largest in the country and has the largest land area of any state east of the Mississippi River. Georgia has a top range north to south of 515 km (320 mi) and east to we... |
Medicine | Global warming | Reptiles Enjoyed Warm Arctic (Global Warming) An article written by ABC News writer Kenneth Chang discusses the change in climate of the arctic from ninety million years ago. Seven hundred miles from the North Pole, lies an island called Axel Heiberg, a barren land that scientists have dug up fossil bones of a cold-blooded reptile known as a champsosaur. How does this happen in an arcti... |
Medicine | Healing health care | Healing Health Care Levi Pulkkinen Op-Ed Paper March 10, 1997 As Grant nears the end of his forty-fifth year old age begins to shed its ominous light over every aspect of his life. He has already watch four of his teeth rot out because, although he works nearly sixty hours a week, he cannot afford basic health care. As he enters the twilight years of his life, earlier than anyone... |
Medicine | Health | Health Often we take our health, or the absence of illness, disease, or injury for granted until we become sick. It is then that we recognize the worth of being without ailments. It is then that we appreciate feeling strong, robust and healthy. Being healthy and, being physically and mentally sound, is associated with one's satisfaction with life. Developmental ... |
Medicine | Heart attacks | Heart Attacks Heart attacks are the leading cause of death in the United States. Everyday approximately 1,500 people die from heart attacks. Thousands more suffer crippling effects of some form, and remain disabled for the rest of their lives. A simple definition of a heart attack is a sudden failure of the heart resulting from an occlusion or obstruction of a coronary artery. ... |
Medicine | Hepatitis a | Introduction: Hepatitis is caused by a virus that is targeted at the liver, one of your most important organs!! Specifically, it causes inflammation and injury to the liver. Hepatitis comes in many different forms, five to be exact. There is Hepatitis A, B, C, D & E. Hepatitis is caused mainly by viruses, all of which are set on shutting down your liver. I will be specifically concentr... |
Medicine | Herpes | Herpes is a virus that forms small sores. What it does? The stages Just before the sore appears the skin may have a itching or tingling feeling. When the sore does appear it "weeps" ,developes scabs, heals then dissappears. Herpes 2 comes back again and again. Treatment Herpes should be treated by a doctor for many reasons. Treatments are aimed at easing pain, more so than curing... |
Medicine | Hhv-8 | "Human Herpes Virus-8 (HHV-8) and Kaposi"s Sarcoma (KS)" Human herpes virus (HHV-8) poses a challenging task for researchers determining its role in Kaposi"s sarcoma (KS). People with KS are distinguished by their placement in four categories. The first category consists of elderly males of Mediterranean or Eastern European Jewish descent. The second category consists of individuals of all age... |
Medicine | How aids has affected our society | Today more Americans are infected with STD's than at any other time in history. The most serious of these diseases is AIDS. Since the first cases were identified in the United States in 1981, AIDS has touched the lives of millions of American families. This deadly disease is unlike any other in modern history. Changes in social behavior can be directly linked to AIDS. Its overall effect on... |
Medicine | How has aids affected our society? | How has AIDS affected our Society? Today more Americans are infected with STD's than at any other time in history. The most serious of these diseases is AIDS. Since the first cases were identified in the United States in 1981, AIDS has touched the lives of millions of American families. This deadly disease is unlike any other in modern history. Changes in social behavior can be direc... |
Medicine | Huntington's disease | Huntington's Disease Huntington's Disease is a rare hereditary disorder. It is characterized by irregular movements of the body, slurred speech, and the deterioration of mental functioning. Symptoms of the individual include alternating periods of excitement and depression. It is caused by a buildup of neurotransmitter fluids, which can cause schizophrenia. The first symptoms of the ... |
Medicine | Huntington's disease | Huntington's Disease Huntington's disease, or Huntngton's chorea, is a genetic disease that causes selective neural cell death, which results in chorea, or irregular, jerking movements of the limbs caused by involuntary muscle contractions, and dementia. It can cause a lack of concentration and depression. It also may cause atrophy of the caudate nucleus, a part of the brain. Howe... |
Medicine | Huntington's disease | Huntington's Disease Background Huntington's disease is inherited as an autosomal dominant disease that gives rise to progressive, elective (localized) neural cell death associated with choleric movements (uncontrollable movements of the arms, legs, and face) and dementia. It is one of the more common inherited brain disorders. About 25,000 Americans have it and another 60,000 or so ... |
Medicine | Hypnosis | Hypnosis The British Medical Association and the American Medical Association has called it "a temporary condition of altered attention in the subject that may be induced by another person," (Compton's Multimedia Encyclopedia) but there is still much about hypnosis that is not understood. Because it resembles normal sleep, it was studied and was found that the brain waves of hypnotiz... |
Medicine | Hypnosis in psychology | Hypnosis in Psychology Throughout the history of this country, hypnosis has been dismissed as a form of gimmickry. Contrary to this, for centuries numerous cultures have used hypnosis as a means of mental and spiritual healing. Hypnosis is defined as an induced trance-like state in which one is highly susceptible to suggestions, or commands. There are three commonly known me... |
Medicine | Krypton | I am the chemical element known as Krypton. I can also be referred as Kr. I will be telling you about my history, my properties, my family and my occurrence. I will also be telling you about my uses and ores, also the analytical methods based on me. I received the name krypton from the Greek word "hidden" because I was hiding for so long, undetected. I am from a rare group of g... |
Medicine | Lab | SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASES INTRODUCTION According to the Websters" dictionary, a sexually transmitted disease, or commonly termed STD, can be defined as any of various diseases transmitted by direct sexual contacted that include classic venereal diseases (as syphilis, gonorrhea, and chancroid) and other diseases (as hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, giordiasis, and AIDS) that are often or sometim... |
Medicine | Malaria | Malaria is regarded as one of the world's deadliest tropical parasitic diseases. It claims more lives than any other communicable disease except tuberculosis. In Africa and other developing countries, it also accounts for millions of dollars in medical costs. Malaria, however, is a curable disease if promptly diagnosed and adequately treated. Malaria is a mosquito-borne disease caused by the p... |
Medicine | Marijuana | Beatriz Lama Pérez Marjory Hutchinson ENG – 190 9 December 1999 Legalization of Marijuana For many years the use of marijuana for medical purposes has been an issue of controversial discussion. Many claim that marijuana is a drug that has proven itself to be of no medical value in the treatment of terminal illnesses. Those who feel this way, usually ignore the long history o... |
Medicine | Marijuana as a medicine | Marijuana As A Medicine If your every waking moment was consumed by pain and nausea, wouldn't you ask for medication? What if the only medication legally available would leave you unconscious or do nothing at all? If you were the one suffering, would you resort to the only treatment that allowed you to live normally even though it was illegal? Thousands of people across the co... |
Medicine | Medical miracles on the horizon | Medical Miracles on the Horizon The world and its inhabitants will face a multitude of problems in the 21st Century, including drug addiction, deadly disease, violent crime, warfare and hostility, hunger, and homelessness to name a few. All of these critical issues have been present to some extent in the 20th Century and, left unsolved, will continue to plague society and ma... |
Medicine | Mono | Cause Infectious mononucleosis is caused by the Ebstein-Barr virus, which is a member of the herpes family. This family also includes the viruses that cause cold sores, chicken pox, genital herpes, and birth defects. The Ebstein-Barr virus has a lengthy incubation period and symptoms usually take about 4-10 weeks to develop. Once a person is infected with a herpes virus, it never really goe... |
Medicine | Multiple sclerosis | Multiple Sclerosis Jason Garoutte November 18, 1996 English / Mr. Blunt Multiple sclerosis is one of the most misunderstood diseases of this century. Since it's discovery, there is still no known causes, no proven treatments, and no known cure, yet it affects possibly five hundred thousand people in the United States alone. People need to learn more about this disease so it... |
Medicine | Mumps | Mumps Mumps is a disease caused by a virus and occurs only in human beings. Mumps is found all over the world. Mumps is a contagious disease when the salivary glands, on one or both sides of the jaw, swells. Mumps usually occurs in school age children, but young adults may catch the disease. Everyone born before1957 has already had mumps. After one attack of mumps, you will have... |
Medicine | Mysteries of the virus | Introduction to viruses: For centuries submicroscopic organisms, also known as viruses, that grow and multiply at different rates inside of a cell, have been circulating our planet.1 The cell produces the various, essential components of the virus. These components are: 1) DNA or RNA nucleic acids, which are the genes of the virus. Viral particles posses either DNA strands or RNA strands, ... |
Medicine | Osteoporosis | Osteoporosis Osteoporosis is a significant health problem that affects more than 25 million women in the United States and potentially 200 million worldwide. This disease is characterized by diminishing the structure of the skeleton (particular the "spongy" bone). This results in an increased risk of fracture. Osteoporosis develops silently over a period of years, eventually progressi... |
Medicine | Our world in medicine | Our World In Medicine One of the most important factors about people's lives is the information of, the use of, and the growing knowledge of medicine. Medicine is a science that nations all over the world use. It is a science because it is based on knowledge gained through careful study and experimentation. Medicine is also an art form because it depends on how skillfully doctors ... |
Medicine | Plagues and diseases | Plagues and Diseases Plague. A word that has struck fear in the hearts of man since the earliest of times. It has also lead to some of the greatest historical events and stories of our time. The ancient cities of Rome and Athens, in their downfall, were finished off by pestilence. The Bubonic Plague, also known as The Black Death, devastated Europe in the 14th century, starting a... |
Medicine | Prenatal diagnosis: heredity disorders, other biochemical diseases, and disfiguring birth defects | Prenatal Diagnosis: Heredity Disorders, Other Biochemical Diseases, and Disfiguring Birth Defects There are over 250 recognized sex-linked diseases, affecting every organ system. Of these, 95% affect males, (Emery, 1968). Despite these many sex- linked diseases, at present prenatal diagnosis can specifically be made in fewer than 40 diseases. (Emery, 1968). These sex-linked diseas... |
Medicine | Preston hot zone | Preston's Hot Zone Imagine walking into a tiny village in Africa, suffering and dying from some unknown virus. As you approach the huts you hear the wails of pure agony from the afflicted tribe members. Coming closer, you smell the stench of vomit mixed with the bitter smell of warm blood. People inside lay dying in pools of their own vital fluids, coughing and vomiting up their own liq... |
Medicine | Problems and prevention's of ebola and aids | Viruses have become of great concern all across the world in the last few decades. The most common and the most talked about killer virus is AIDS, a virus that starts out as HIV and then proceeds to develop into a immune breaker that ultimately kills its human host. So far, there is no cure for AIDS, and most unfortunately the numbers of deaths from AIDS only continues to grow. How... |
Medicine | Prolonged preservation of the heart prior to transplantation | Picture this. A man is involved in a severe car crash in Florida which has left him brain-dead with no hope for any kind of recovery. The majority of his vital organs are still functional and the man has designated that his organs be donated to a needy person upon his untimely death. Meanwhile, upon checking with the donor registry board, it is discovered that the best match... |
Medicine | Protein synthesis | Protein Synthesis Protein synthesis is the process by which genetic information from the DNA stored in the nucleus is transferred to the ribosomes where it is used to arrange amino acids into proteins. The DNA molecule in the nucleus is unzipped by an enzyme called polymerase. From one of these single strands of a DNA molecule, a mRNA molecule is built. This is accomplished by an e... |
Medicine | Protists and viruses | Protists and Viruses A flagellum is a whiplike tail that helps organisms living in moist places to move The characteristics of protists is they are euckaryotic organisms, they are one or many-celled but do not have the complex organization found in plants and animals, and some make there own food and other can't. Protists are plantlike, animallike and funguslike. A virus is a mi... |
Medicine | Rabies | Rabies Rabies is an infectious disease of animals which is a member of a group of viruses constituting the family Rhabdoviridae. The virus particle is covered in a fatty membrane, is bullet-shaped, 70 by 180 nanometres and contains a single helical strand of ribonucleic acid (RNA). Although rabies is usually spread among domestic dogs and wild carnivorous animals, all warm-blooded ... |
Medicine | Respiratory diseases | Respiratory Diseases Respiration is the process of taking in and using oxygen. There are three different phases of respiration: external respiration, internal respiration, and cellular respiration. External respiration is the intake of oxygen from the environment and the release of carbon dioxide. In internal respiration, oxygen is carried to the cells and carbon dioxide is c... |
Medicine | Reye syndrome | Reye Syndrome Reye Syndrome is an extremely rare, non-contagious disease thought to be triggered by aspirin use. The actual origin of the disease is unknown. Reye's Syndrome, occasionally called Reye-Jacobsen's Syndrome, is known to follow any viral infection. Two of the most common viral infections it precedes is influenza, "the flu", and chicken pox. A now-familiar warni... |
Medicine | Safe sex vs. unsafe sex | Safe Sex vs. Unsafe Sex The "sexual revolution" of the 1960's has been stopped dead in its tracks by the AIDS epidemic. The danger of contracting AIDS is so real now that it has massively affected the behavior of both gay and straight folks who formerly had elected to lead an active sexual life that included numerous new sexual contacts. The safest option regarding AIDS and sex is to... |
Medicine | Schitzophrenia, childhood, mental, anxiety and other disorders | Schitzophrenia, Childhood, Mental, Anxiety and Other Disorders By: Michael Dugger and Amanda Peachrin Mental Disorders The term mental disorder means psycological and behavioral syndromes that deviate signicantly from those typical of human beings enjoying good mental health. All that mumbo jumbo means that a person with a mental disorder was a few cards short of a full deck. T... |
Medicine | Schizophrenia | Schizophrenia During the 1950s, mentally disordered people who were harmful to society and themselves could be treated with medications and were able to return safely to their communities. During the 1980s, the cost of health care increased more than any other cost in our national economy. As a result, strategic planning has been made to reduce costs. "The political decision made ... |
Medicine | Schizophrenia | Schizophrenia "In my senior year of high school, I began to experience personality changes. I did not realize the significance of the changes at the time, and I think others denied them, but looking back I can see that they were the earliest signs of illness. I became increasingly withdrawn and sullen. I felt alienated and lonely and hated everyone. I felt as if there were a huge... |
Medicine | Schizophrenia | Schizophrenia WHAT IS SCHIZOPHRENIA? What does the term schizophrenia mean? In its most elementary sense, we might say that schizophrenia is a disease, invented by Eugene Bleeder. Eugene Bleeder was one of the most influential psychiatrists of his time. He is best known today for his introduction of the term schizophrenia, previously known as dementia praecox. In actuality, schizoph... |
Medicine | Schizophrenia: explained and treatments | Schizophrenia: Explained and Treatments Jeffrey A. Hurt Professor Leary Abnormal Psychology 203 2 May 1996 Schizophrenia is a devastating brain disorder affecting people worldwide of all ages, races, and economic levels. It causes personality disintegration and loss of contact with reality (Sinclair). It is the most common psychosis and it is estimated that one percent of the U.... |
Medicine | Science fair project: melting ice | Science Fair Project: Melting Ice Materials: - 3 aluminum baking pans - water to fill each pan - 1/2 cup of salt - 1/2 cup of rubbing alcohol - 1/2 cup of sand - watch - large freezer - thremometor Procedure: First fill three aluminum baking pans with water and freeze them in alarge freezer for three hours. Then get a thremometor to get the tempature of the freezer. T... |
Medicine | Sexual transmitted diseases defined | Sexual Transmitted Diseases Defined TABLE OF CONTENTS I . Sexually transmitted diseaeses defined II. Genital Herpes III. Vaginal Candidiasis IV. Chlamydia V. Prevention VI. Bibliography A sexually transmitted disease is not the same as genital disease. Most genital diseases are not caused by sexually transmitted organisms. ... |
Medicine | Sickle cell anemia | Sickle Cell Anemia Sickle Cell Anemia is a genetic disease that affects all kinds of people and can start before a person is even born. This paper will talk about symptoms of Sickle Cell Anemia, the people affected, the cause of the disease, how the disease is diagnosed, and cured. Symptoms of Sickle Cell Anemia are pale skin, short of breath, easily tired, and whites of eyes tu... |
Medicine | Skin cancer | Skin Cancer Gone are the days when people sent children outside to play to get a little color in their cheeks. They know too much about the dangers of unprotected sun exposure and the threat of skin cancer. Or do they? Despite the fact that 58% of parents remembered hearing about the importance of protecting their children from the sun, children are still playing in the sun without s... |
Medicine | Sleeping disorders | Sleeping Disorders I am going to start by telling you what a sleeping disorder is. A sleeping disorder is a problem that affects something to do with sleep. Not all sleeping disorders have symptoms that are obvious to a person or their family and friends, here are some common sleep disorders. - Insomnia - Sleep Apnea - Narcolepsy - Restless Leg Syndrome - Parasomnia - Bruxis... |
Medicine | Small pox | Small Pox Small pox, which was once the most feared disease known by mankind started out in the days of Christopher Columbus. The disease set out to change the lives of the people in the worse way. It became known as an epidemic disease that ended up killing hundreds of people. Small pox started out in Hispaniola and because of no cure, it traveled to the island of Puerto Rico... |
Medicine | The circulatory system | The Circulatory System The circulatory system in anatomy and physiology is the course taken by the blood through the arteries, capillaries, and veins and back to the heart. In humans and the higher vertebrates, the heart is made up of four chambers the right and left auricles, or atria, and the right and left ventricles. The right side of the heart pumps oxygen-poor blood from the ce... |
Medicine | The cystic fibrosis gene | Introduction: Cystic fibrosis is an inherited autosomal recessive disease that exerts its main effects on the digestive system and the lungs. This disease is the most common genetic disorder amongst Caucasians. Cystic fibrosis affects about one in 2,500 people, with one in twenty five being a heterozygote. With the use of antibiotics, the life span of a person afflicted wit... |
Medicine | The ebola virus | The Ebola Virus A virus is an ultramicroscopic infectious organism that, having no independent metabolic activity, can replicate only within a cell of another host organism. A virus consists of a core of nucleic acid, either RNA or DNA, surrounded by a coating of antigenic protein and sometimes a lipid layer surrounds it as well. The virus provides the genetic code for replic... |
Medicine | The ebola virus | The Ebola Virus INTRODUCTION The most deadly killers on this earth are too small to see with the naked eye. These microscopic predators are viruses. In my report, I will answer many basic questions concerning one of the fastest killing viruses, the Ebola virus. Questions such as "How does it infect its victims?", "How are Ebola victims treated?", "How are Ebola outbreaks contro... |
Medicine | The fabry disease | The Fabry Disease Classification The Fabry Disease is a hereditary disorder, caused by the lack of alphagalactosidase A. It is an x-linked recessive inheritance. Therefore it is the females that carry it. The ones who are mostly affected by this disease are the males. Female carriers, though, may develop angiokeratomas and may have problems with burning pains. Very few of the ... |
Medicine | The heart | The Heart Introduction You need your heart for all your body needs. It pumps about 2000 gallons of blood a day. It takes about 20 seconds for blood to reach every cell in the body. An artery carries blood out from the heart. A vein carries blood back to the heart. An average adult heart weighs about 10-13 ounces (300 to 350 grams). The rate which the heart pumps varies depen... |
Medicine | The hormones and development of one's sex | The Hormones and Development of One's Sex The objectives of this article as I saw them were, (1) to show how fetal gonads acquire the ability to function as endocrine organs, and (2), to show the mechanisms by which the endocrine secretions modulate male development. The researchers went through an extremely extensive explanation of the formation of the sexual phenotypes by detailing... |
Medicine | The immune system | The Immune System The immune system is a group of cells, molecules, and tissues that help defend the body against diseases and other harmful invaders. The immune system provides protection against a variety of potentially damaging substances that can invade the body. These substances include disease-causing organisms, such as bacteria, fungi, parasites, and viruses. The body's abi... |
Medicine | The nursing home: a nice place for the elderly | The Nursing Home: A Nice Place for the Elderly A.) Security 1.)Curfews 2.)Lost faculties (No need to drive) 3.)Away from con-artists B.) Activities 1.)Entertainment/Songs (Brownies example) 2.)Activities/Crafts (Beta Club example) 3.)People of similar age C.)Health Care 1.)Takes stress off of the family 2.)Help with prescriptions and medicine 3.)In case of ... |
Medicine | The safety of blood | The Safety of Blood A five-year old girl is riding down the street, on her way to her best friend's house. She doesn't have a care in the world and is quietly humming to herself. Suddenly a car whips around the corner and swerves to avoid the child, but he looses control and squarely hits the girl, causing the her to fall and get trapped between the car and her battered bicy... |
Medicine | The world of viruses | Computer Viruses Introduction In the past decade, computer and networking technology has seen enormous growth. This growth however, has not come without a price. With the advent of the "Information Highway", as it"s coined, a new methodology in crime has been created. Electronic crime has been responsible for some of the most financially devastating victimizations in society. In the rece... |
Medicine | The worlds fight against microbes | The Worlds Fight Against Microbes Many infectious diseases that were nearly eradicated from the industrialized world, and newly emerging diseases are now breaking out all over the world due to the misuse of medicines, such as antibiotics and antivirals, the destruction of our environment, and shortsighted political action and/or inaction. Viral hemorrhagic fevers are a group of dis... |
Medicine | Therapeutic touch : its effectiveness on surgical incision site pain | Therapeutic Touch : Its Effectiveness On Surgical Incision Site Pain INTRODUCTION Therapeutic touch has been shown to decrease patients anxiety levels and increase their pain tolerance levels when other more mainstream therapies have not been completely effective. "Therapeutic touch is a process by which energy is transmitted from one person to another for the purpose of potentiati... |
Medicine | Tourette syndrome | Tourette Syndrome Tourette Syndrome was named for Georges Gilles de la Tourette, who first described the syndrome in 1885. Although the disease was identified in 1885, today in 1996, there still is a mystery surrounding Tourette Syndrome, its causes and possible cures. Tourette Syndrome is a neurological disorder that researchers believe is caused by and abnormal metabolism of the... |
Medicine | Treating anaphylaxix | Treating Anaphylaxix Research Paper Paramedic Procedures I - Fall 1996 11/3/96 In the emergency setting, anaphylaxis is a dangerous, life threatening condition that must be treated in an aggressive and timely fashion. Anaphylaxis is a condition related to acute allergic reactions. Following the body's exposure to the offending allergen, there are common systemic reactions. The m... |
Medicine | Tuberculosis | Tuberculosis Tuberculosis (TB) is an infectious disease caused by a germ (bacterium) called Mycobacterium tuberculosis. This germ primarily affects the lungs and may infect anyone at any age. In the United States, the number of TB cases steadily decreased until 1986 when an increase was noted; TB has continued to rise since. Today, ten million individuals are infected in the U.S., ... |
Medicine | Tuberculosis | Tuberculosis TB is a disease that can cause a serious illness and can damage a person's organs. Every year more than 25,000 people in the U.S. are diagnosed with TB disease. That's only a fraction of the amount of people who carry the Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Mycobacterium tuberculosis is a rod-shaped bacterium. TB is spread through the air by carriers of the germ. People who ... |
Medicine | Vaccine | Vaccine Children are one of God's best gifts to people, as watching their children grow is one of the best pleasures people enjoy during their life course. For this reason, parents must take good care of their children during their early years, as they are vulnerable to many diseases due to their weak immunity. There are many diseases, infecting children, that may lead to death such a... |
Medicine | Viruses: complex molecules or simple life forms? | Viruses: Complex Molecules or Simple Life Forms? Viruses have been defined as "entities whose genomes are elements of nucleic acid that replicate inside living cells using the cellular synthetic machinery, and cause the synthesis of specialised elements that can transfer the genome to other cells." They are stationaryand are unable to grow. Because of all these factors, it i... |
Medicine | What is angina? and what is the cure? | What is Angina? And What Is The Cure? Angina refers to the pain arising from lack of adequate blood supply to the heart muscle. Typically, it is a crushing pain behind the breastbone in the center of the chest, brought on by exertion and relieved by rest. It may at times radiate to or arise in the left arm, neck, jaw, left chest, or back. It is frequently accompanied by sweating... |
Medicine | Wilson's disease | Wilson"s Disease Wilson"s Disease, scientifically known as Hepatolendicular Degeneration, is an inherited dissorder in wich excessive amounts of copper accumalate in the body. Although Wilson"s Disease begins at birth, symtoms ussually occur between the ages of 6 and 40. Symptoms can be serious such as liver disease, or minor such as drooling and trembling. This paper will explain the... |
Medicine | Wilsons disease | Wilson's Disease is a genetic disorder that is fatal unless detected and treated before serious illness develops from copper poisoning. Wilson's Disease affects one in thirty thousand people world wide. The genetic defect causes excessive copper accumulation. Small amounts of copper are essential as vitamins. Copper is present in most foo... |