Research Paper, Essay on Miscellaneous
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Category | Title | Body |
Miscellaneous | the cherry orchard | The Cherry Orchard The Misunderstood Comedy Essay #4 Eva Knowles E.H. 151-2 12/17/1999 When the first production of The Cherry Orchard was performed on stage in Moscow, there was a significant difference of opinion between the author and directors. Chekhov strongly faulted the directors interpretation that the play should be preformed as a tragedy and insisted that what ... |
Miscellaneous | "on the pulse of morning" | Page 1 of 2 "On the Pulse of Morning" By: Maya Angelou "On the Pulse of Morning," is a poem written by Maya Angelou. In this poem, Angelou depicts personification. Personification is an element of literature in which an object or an animal is given human characteristics. Angelou uses personification to give the rock, the river, and th... |
Miscellaneous | "the rocking horse winner" | Different people have different character traits. Some traits are good and some traits are bad. In many cases, the character traits affect other people, especially if the person is a relative. That is why it is so important to realize that your actions affect other people beside yourself. We must take this into consideration before we act. When you describe the mother in the play, many thi... |
Miscellaneous | "zoos are prisons" | Rachel Olson English King 4 December 1, 1999 If you have ever stepped into a zoo, you have stepped into a prison in which the inmates are defenseless and innocent, the sentence is long, and the penalty is cruel and severe. Zoos are not made for educational purposes but for entertainment, they do not benefit animals but push them toward extinction. "Zoos range in size and... |
Miscellaneous | Economic freedom vs. interdependence | Economic freedom cannot be fully instated as long as interdependence exists. The reasoning for this is that interdependence directly effects economic freedom. The basic idea in these two terms is options. Economic freedom means having unlimited and unrestricted options, while interdependence equals limited options. It is impossible for these two ideas to completely coexist to the en... |
Miscellaneous | Educational programs in prions | Educational Programs in Prisons "It is not a surprise to see that prisoners all have a low education level. I guess a more educated person has enough sense not to be involved with crime…the relationship between crime and education is easy to see when viewing these facts" (Cordes 1). This is the view of most people when asked why people are in prison. People simply say that criminals were ... |
Miscellaneous | Love | Benjamin Franklin once said, "If you would be loved, love and be lovable." Love is something we are all in at least one time or another in our life. There are many different meanings for the word love and many people interpret it differently. Love as defined by Webster's dictionary is a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person. When you love someone you care not only ca... |
Miscellaneous | Love, what is it good for? | Love in today"s world has been strongly effected by the social and artistic factors of the past. The question of how has the social environment, in which love is taking place, effected the people that are in love. In stories like Romeo and Juliet, the social environment is the major aspect of the main character love life. Because of their feuding families, their love almost did n... |
Miscellaneous | M & ms - miners and mercury | Most miners of the Amazon lead a very polluted way of life. They pollute the environment they live in and they pollute themselves. The, "garimpeiros" as the miners are called in Brazil are independent farmers of the gold that flows beneath the rivers of the Amazon rain-forest. Their daily routine of early mornings, long hard days, and late nights drinking and tak... |
Miscellaneous | M.c. escher | The Dutch artist Maurits C. Escher (1898-1972) was a draftsman, book illustrator, tapestry designer, and muralist, but his primary work was as a printmaker. Born in Leeuwarden, Holland, the son of a civil engineer, Escher spent most of his childhood in Arnhem. Aspiring to be an architect, Escher enrolled in the School for Architecture and Decorative Arts in Harlem. While studying there from 1919 t... |
Miscellaneous | Malaysia country report | As the world prepares to move into the twenty-first century, many nations are rapidly developing their agricultural and manufacturing sectors. As these burgeoning industries become a larger part of the nation"s economy, the nation finds its population restructuring and streaming to the areas of growth. Just as the people are trying to compete for their survival, the nation is fighting its way to... |
Miscellaneous | Manatees | In 1493, when Columbus sailed to the Americas for his second journey, he and his sailors were the first Europeans to spot the present-day manatees. Because of their amazingly humanlike appearance these ancient sailors went home telling stories of mermaids. When the Spanish came over they hunted and ate these massive beasts. Since the early 1900's the manatee population has dwindled severely.... |
Miscellaneous | Mandatory attendance policies | Mandatory Attendance Policies While studying or even registering for a class presents a challenge to some college students, the greatest obstacle remains, going to class. Attending college is supposed to signify a new found freedom to make many important choices regarding education without high school mandatory attendance policies. However, students everywhere are coming to the staggering ... |
Miscellaneous | Marble cake | in political scince, Federalism is defined as a government devided between two or more levels of power. the united states of america is one of the nations that utilizes such system. the United States system is a three level government. Politians are devided on how to represent the sytem. some say that it is a layered system where the federal government is on top, followed by the state government, ... |
Miscellaneous | Marc chagall (french) | Marc Chagall naît en Russie, à Vitebsk, en 1887, dans une modeste famille juive. Il reçoit sa première formation artistique à Saint-Petersbourg. De 1910 à 1913, il séjourne à Paris, à Montparnasse, où vivent aussi Modigliani, Soutine, Léger et Lipchitz. Il devient l'ami du poète Blaise Cendrars. En 1911, il ... |
Miscellaneous | Mardi gras | Tom Welch Service Article(revised) IT'S MARDI GRAS!!!!! Yes, New Orleans' famous Carnival season is this years' never-ending party and you're invited. Mardi Gras, famous for its colorful and cultural parades, is an experience you can't go any longer w/out! The Streets are packed with both tourists and Native Louisianans as they celebrate Mardi Gras in full color and sound. .... |
Miscellaneous | Marijuana, necessary or not? | S/A Its shocking to some, but not to others! Marijuana is a substance that has become very much a part of American culture, nearly 65 million Americans have either used it occasionally or regularly. The use of marijuana hit mainstream America about thirty years ago and it has been accepted by a large segment of society ever since. The debate on whether... |
Miscellaneous | Marketing as a career | Marketing reasearch analysis collect, analyze, and interpret data to determine potential sales of a product or service. To this end they prepare reports and make recommendations on subjects ranging from prefrences of prospective customers to methods and costs of distribution and advertising. They research available printed data and accmulate new data through personal interviews and q... |
Miscellaneous | Massage therapy | The practice of massage therapy is rapidly growing in the United States. It has numerous benefits to offer and is becoming more widely accepted as a medical practice by doctors and the general public. Massage is defined as: …the systematic manual or mechanical manipulations of the soft tissues of the body by such movements as rubbing, kneading, pressing, rolling, slapping, a... |
Miscellaneous | Math and owning a restaraunt | Math is an essential asset in the business world. Without mathematics businesses wouldn"t be able to operate effectively. In order to run a restaurant math plays an important role in a lot of different areas. For instance the items on the menu may change due to the way it sells. Bookkeeping and math allow you to both figures out what items are profitable and what items are selling. ... |
Miscellaneous | Medea | Medea Medea is a Greek tragedy which was written in 431 BC by the Greek philosopher Euripides. The story of Medea is one filled with anger, jealousy, and death. The main character, Medea, has to overcome the personal heartache of seeing her husband, Jason, marry another woman. The ensuing struggle she has with this notion is the focus of this play. In a very important scene, Medea hatc... |
Miscellaneous | Media and baseball | Media affects everyone and everything; There is no escape. Media is everywhere and surrounds everything. Henry Jenkins and Marshall McLuhan have differing points of view as to what the meaning of media is. They both, however, have their particular ponits which they describe well. Jenkin's talks about the different types of cultures that exist, focusing on popular culture, in his ... |
Miscellaneous | Media censorship | Today there is much controversy over whether there should or shouldn"t be censorship of the media. Censorship should not be imposed on citizens by the government or other agencies; adults have a right to view or listen to what they choose. Additionally, if children"s media is censored, parents are the ones who should monitor and regulate it. Parents should be the ones to monitor children"s viewing... |
Miscellaneous | Megans law | In July of 1994, a little girl named, Megan Kanka, was raped and strangled. They found her body near her home in Hamilton Township, New Jersey. The story of thing young girl has shocked the nation. The man responsible for this brutal act is named, Jesse Timmendequas. He had been convicted twice prior to this attack. He also served six years in a treatment facility and had been re... |
Miscellaneous | Memoirs of a mountain high | It was the summer of 94 when I took a Wilderness Leadership Semester from the Colorado Outward Bound School . Needless to say that it was the most emotional, challenging, and rewarding experience that I have had in all of my 19 ears of existence. One week spent running the Upper Green River in westernColorado and northern Utah. Through The Gates of the Ladour Canyon and Dinosa... |
Miscellaneous | Miguel de unamuno | Miguel de Unamuno SAN MANUEL BUENO, MARTIR La vida de Miguel de Unamuno no era muy fácil sino era una de dolor y de pena y eso se representa en sus obras. Nació el 29 de septiembre de 1864 en Bilboa España. Cuando era joven, su padre se murió dejándole sin una persona quien tenía el papel de un hombre en su vida. El tenía que vivir... |
Miscellaneous | Milton to pope | In this essay I will attempt to contrast the type of society that would create a Milton to a society that would create a Pope. Although you may be able to understand what I'm saying from my essay, the depth of what I want to say can not be put into words, and therefore I suggest that you read and compare the same information that I have. I will now explain a bit about Milton and ... |
Miscellaneous | Mirror dance | Mirror Dance There are some paintings that simply capture the essence of life within their still frames such as the painting of the "Mirror Dance" in R.A. Salvatore"s novel Crystal Shard. The painting depicts two characters set in a darkened background. The faint light of the moon casts shadows down upon the grassy floor on which the sylvan warrior an... |
Miscellaneous | Mitchell v. wisconsin | On June 11, 1993, the United State Supreme Court upheld Wisconsin¹s penalty enhancement law, which imposes harsher sentences on criminals who ³intentionally select the person against whom the committed..because of the race, religion, color, disability, sexual orientation, national origin or ancestry of that person.² Chief Justice Rehnquist del... |
Miscellaneous | Modernism vs. neo-traditionalism | Modernism vs Neo-Traditionalism: A debate on the merits and failures of two major competing paradigms in architecture and urban planning. Beyond the term modernism underlies one of the greatest ideas in architectural development. Modernism was meant to provide more green areas, cheaper housing and more efficient use of space. This was to be accomplished by creating vertically dense ... |
Miscellaneous | Modernization of health practices in east central | The colonization of the western world brought on many changes for the indigenous people of Africa in every way of life. The Christian missionaries accomplished much more than just introducing their religion. They also exposed and converted Africans to western values and social beliefs. Health care practices were one of the things greatly influenced by the colonization. ... |
Miscellaneous | Most important of henry viii's children | Queen Elizabeth I In the 15th century, Elizabeth Tudor was born. Child of Henry Tudor and Anne Boleyn she was mistreated, uncared for, and forgotten about by Henry. Though she was the last of the three children to take the throne, she was the most successful. The first heir to take the throne was Edward I. He succeeded in 1547. Edward's rule was primarily unsuccessful, he did accomplis... |
Miscellaneous | Mothers & daughters | Mothers and daughters have been written about, criticized, publicized, condemned, and praised for a long time. As more and more material becomes available on mother-daughter relationships, it becomes apparent that being a mother and being a daughter means different things to different people depending on race, economics, social status and blood type. This paper will explore the meaning of being ... |
Miscellaneous | Motorcycle | Araby "Anyone still capable of wondering aloud whether the last word on Joyce has not already been published demonstrates an ignorance of the scope of the problem comparable to assuming that the Model T Ford is the last word in locomotive possibilities" (Benstock 1). This quote of Bernard Benstock serves as evidence to the complexity and t... |
Miscellaneous | Multiculturalism in canada | Is multiculturalism a disruptive or an integrative force in Canadian society? In terms of education, multiculturalism is becoming increasingly disruptive in Canadian society. It seems that there is a new issue in the media focus regarding education on a weekly basis. It's becoming increasingly apparent that most, if not all issues in recent years stem from the debate of whether to centr... |
Miscellaneous | My alarming dream | " My Alarming Dream " My little old copper alarm clock rests on my desk tick - tocking away each inevitable second of the day, only to shake, rattle, and ring me to wake every morning. As I lay there in bed, half dead, sometimes wishing maybe that I was, achy and tired stretching and scratching like a jungle cat, I feel the morning crawl into my house. The smell of fres... |
Miscellaneous | My favorite room | My Den is a great place to hang out, play some pool, or just get away from the stress of every day life. My Den offers superior sound and entertainment. It has no stress related items such as a telephone, computer, desk, and no pagers are allowed. This room represents fun and relaxation for all that enter the room. My entertainment center offers a wood grain big screen TV. Com... |
Miscellaneous | My first visit to nigeria | In this essay I will reconstruct my first visit to Nigeria. The journey took place when I was seventeen in early 1993, during which time Nigeria was under the military rule of General Sanni Abacha. For the most part of my trip I stayed in Lagos, former capital state and still highly recognised as the commercial capital of Nigeria, although I did visit other parts of the country including Ondo Stat... |
Miscellaneous | My grandfather | My grandfather"s death was the first to hit our family in my generation. He suffered from Alzheimer"s Disease, so I never had a close relationship with him. This doesn"t mean I didn"t love the man; everyone in our family did. But as we went through the phone calls from friends, the wake, and the funeral, I really learned a lot about him, and in turn, about life.... |
Miscellaneous | My life | To be given the chance to play little league was one of the greatest times of my life. I played little league for four years, and every year I made the all-star team. My best friend and I played on every regular season team and every all-star team together. The final game of our career was unforgettable. ... |
Miscellaneous | My personal support group (cheerleading) | Katie Manley My Personal Support Group Honors English 11 August 31, 1999 I am often sorry that my parents did not take it upon themselves to enroll me in any recreational activities in my preadolescent years. I believe that sports are an integral part of growing up. They provide an opportunity to meet and interac... |
Miscellaneous | Myth | I see great things in baseball. It's our game-- the American game. It will take our people out-of-doors, fill them with oxygen, give them a larger physical stoicism, tend to relieve us from being a nervous, dyspeptic set, repair these losses, and be a blessing to us." -- Walt Whitman "If you're not having fun in baseball, you miss the point of everything."... |
Miscellaneous | Needless warfare | The thought of a child being sent off to war is very upsetting. The first excerpt of this week"s collection of letters clearly shows that the 15-year old writer was not ready for the responsibilities of being a United States soldier. He existed for only 18 years on earth, dying at the age equivalency of a high school senior, such as I. I believe people shouldn"t be sent away to war... |
Miscellaneous | Nike campaign | nike campaign When I learned that I had to write this research paper, instead of procrastinating, I convinced myself to JUST DO IT. This phrase also happens to be one of the signature phrases of the leading athletic apparel company, Nike. The JUST DO IT campaign has been very successful for Nike, but it is not he sole reason for their success. Nike"s campaign has definitely persuaded me... |
Miscellaneous | Njoyable workouts | Nicole Sharac Health & Fitness 2-10-00 Enjoyable Fitness Workouts In a recent article found in Women"s Sports & Fitness, there was a lengthy display of outdoor and indoor fitness exercises nation wide that were actually enjoyable. The first of these energizing activities is called Bikram Yoga. Bikram Yoga uses the technique of heat to maximize its ef... |
Miscellaneous | Northern states power | A leader in today's economic world, Northern States Power (NSP) is recognized for its outstanding performance in both regulated and nonregulated operations. Its regulated operation serves over two million electric and gas customers in Minnesota, Wisconsin, North Dakota, South Dakota, Arizona, and Michigan (NSP - Investor's Overview 1). Its head offices are located in Minneapolis,... |
Miscellaneous | Nursing ethics and malpractice | INTRODUCTION In every nurse's career, the nurse is faced with many legal or ethical dilemmas. One of the professional competencies for nursing states that nurses should " integrate knowledge of ethical and legal aspects of health care and professional values into nursing practice". It is important to know what types of dilemmas nurses may face during their careers an... |
Miscellaneous | Oedipus rex - bliss in ignorance | One of the most memorable and meaningful Socratic quotes applies well when in context of Sophocles' Theban Trilogy. "The unexamined life is not worth living," proclaims Socrates. He could have meant many things by this statement, and in relation to the play, the meaning is found to be even more complex. Indeed, the situation of Oedipus, king of Thebes, the truth of this statement is in q... |
Miscellaneous | Opening day | The sun shines radiantly upon the towering stadium at the corners of Michigan and Trumball. Spring has arrived and erased the dreary, grey weather of winter. The old dilapidated stadium will come to life in a couple of hours to mark the beginning of an anticipated season. Brringg! The bell signals the end of class and I anxiously wait for my mother to arrive. I find myself impatiently g... |
Miscellaneous | Oprah winfrey | OPRAH GAIL WINFREY Oprah Gail Winfrey was born on January 29, 1954 on a farm in Kosciusko, Mississippi to Vernita Lee and Vernon Winfrey. Her parents originally planned to name her Orpah, but the midwife made a mistake on the birth certificate. Up until the age of 6 Oprah lived with her grandmother. After this Oprah went to live with her mother and two half brothers in Milwaukee. ... |
Miscellaneous | Oral language developement | Children develop oral language at a very early age. Almost every sound a human being makes can be considered communication. As children grow up, they are constantly observing and practicing communication and oral language. What they know about oral language has an effect on the development of their literacy skills. "Students who had difficulty with early speech communication skills were believ... |
Miscellaneous | Our daily bread sliced thin | King Vidor"s 1934 film Our Daily Bread is aptly named, for the film is of a prayer than an actual solution to the Great Depression. Like other Socio-political films of the era, it tries to offer a solution to the problems faced by so many Americans. However, Vidor"s message gets lost somewhere between the poor production, the bad acting, and the inconsistent ideology of the film. For those reason... |
Miscellaneous | Pacific explorers | Andrew Sharp claims in his Ancient Voyagers in the Pacific published in 1956 that the Pacific Islanders did not possess the necessary navigational and sailing technology to deliberately navigate the distances between islands of the Pacific when colonizing these islands. He claims colonization was random and accidental. However, more recent studies from 1972 on of Pacific navigati... |
Miscellaneous | Paintball | Paintball is a fast and furious sport. It is played on both a social and serious level by over 16 million people around the world (Cooke,11). It is one of the fastest growing sports on the planet. Paintball's history, games, guns, and safety are all part of the fun. In 1970, James Hale, an engineer, invented and patented the first commercially successful paintball gun. Paintball guns were... |
Miscellaneous | Panama canal as a chokepoint | Truly one of the great engineering feats of all time, the Canal is an absolute must. 80 kilometers in length, with some of it hewn from solid rock, the Canal gives passage to all types of vessels, from huge tankers to the Queen Elizabeth II. Designed at the turn of the century and operating since 1914. Even by today's standards it is awesome to see a container ship glidin... |
Miscellaneous | Pantomime | This paper is about pantomime, about it"s origin, it"s people, how it has evolved, and how wonderful it is. Pantomime is a dramatic performance in which a story is told or a theme developed through expressive bodily or facial movement. The origin of pantomime can be traced back to classical farce and the Italian Commedia Dell"arte. Not all pantomime is silent. The completely sile... |
Miscellaneous | Paper about life | The Longman dictionary of American English defines life as, the force that enables us to continue. Life in my eyes is the interval of time between birth and death. Throughout life you will be placed in situations, and put to the test of time. There will be times when you are joyous, and times when you are sorrowful. This is the period of trial and tribulation. Face the fact... |
Miscellaneous | Paraguay | La historia del país The first inhabitants of the Paraguay"s land were the Indians. Guaranies conquered the land. The Guaranies were a Spanish-speaking nation. La Geografía Paraguay is located in Southern South America. Argentina is Southwest, Brazil on the east, and Bolivia on the Northwest surrounds the country. Paraguay has no mountain ranges, ... |
Miscellaneous | Parental rights | Thoughts on the Parental Responsibility Act Eighteen cases, in 1990, resulted in a parent serving time in jail for crimes committed by his or her child. In my opinion, I feel that parents should not be held responsible if his or her child commits a crime. There are a couple of reasons why I feel this is not a good law. First, I believe no parent can keep track of ... |
Miscellaneous | Parents pay for crimes | Gene Baratta Sue Plachta Comp 111 Jan 30, 00 Where Will I End Up? Where will I end up? That was the question that ran through my head as a high school student athlete at least a hundred times a day. I knew and was told that I had the natural talent and the work ethic to get to the college level, to play football. It all started my freshmen year, my first year... |
Miscellaneous | Pateman on locke | For years social contract theorists had monopolized the explanation of modern society. John Locke was among those who advocated this theory of a collectively chosen set of circumstances. Carole Pateman, on the other hand rejects many of the pillars of the social contract and specifically attacks certain aspects of Locke's argument regarding paternalism and patriarchy. Pateman defends ... |
Miscellaneous | Peace corps | 1. Introduction "Abundant Rewards." This is the title of an essay that was written by a Peace Corps volunteer, Laura Stedman, on her reflections of her work in Swaziland, serving as a science teacher. The essay discusses her students and what turned out to be her most important accomplishment, to give the children confidence in themselves. In this... |
Miscellaneous | Peoples lives | Often in people"s lives an event can happen that is forever remembered as one of the most important. Be it a family story, or something that has absolutely nothing to do with the person, the event is deeply engraved in the individual"s mind and will always stay with him or her. This happened when I was twelve years old. I have been a car-racing fan since the age of nine and ever since I star... |
Miscellaneous | Pequod | In the novel Moby Dick, by Herman Melville, a microcosm lives in the Pequod. Throughout the story, the microcosm is apparent in the control and superiority of Captain Ahab, friendship, religion, and the struggles of good and evil. The Pequod symbolizes the views, actions, thoughts, and the various types of people in the world. Ahab"s power and authority show that he is the leader in t... |
Miscellaneous | Perserve and enhance the american future | Preserve and Enhance the American Future To help young Americans become effective young productive adults in service to something that has been defined as a way of life. I propose a plan that will keep our military at full strength and provide direction and a skill to our future leaders of tomorrow. Most European countries require all young men after reaching a certain age to enlist in... |
Miscellaneous | Piracy | · Piracy, Counterfeit, Copyrights, Patents · Mean 100% tariffs on all China products imported into the Unites States. · Also 2 billion in trade sanctions. · This didn"t scare the minister of trade o He retaliated by imposing trade sanctions himself from beef to mini vans. · Were they scared of the American influence? § Or &... |
Miscellaneous | Plato | Plato. By Michael McDaniel Plato was the best known of all the great Greek philosophers. Plato"s original name was Aristocles, but in his school days he was nicknamed Platon (meaning "broad") because of his broad shoulders. Born in Athens circa B.C. 427, Plato saught out political status. But during the Athenian democracy, he did not activly embrace it. Plato devoted his lif... |
Miscellaneous | Poetry difficulty | Poetry Difficulty Poetry unlike fiction is solely based on the author"s personal take on a certain subject. The tone, diction, syntax, and mood of a poem are all determined by the author of the poem. For some readers, to interpret a poem or explain the plot can be a difficult task. Other forms of literature such, as fiction is much easier to understand and discuss. One reason fiction is e... |
Miscellaneous | Political control of the military | Political Control of the Military "No new taxes." This is a quote that most all of us remember from the 1992 presidential election. Along with it we remember that there were new taxes during that presidents term in office. There are a myriad of promises made and things done in a presidential election year that have questionable motives as to whether... |
Miscellaneous | Politicians and social order | A social order. A person"s beliefs and values that allow them to make the choices that to have the type of government they want. My social order- one of an African-American, 17-year-old, low middle-class female- will differ widely from my mother"s, or Shemair"s, or even your social order. For instance, I strongly value education. So does my mother, Shemair, and I am sure you do, ... |
Miscellaneous | Power | Power. A word from which many meanings derive. To each individual, it means something distinct and it is how one uses their power that makes up who they are. Power does not come from the barrel of a gun. A gun can do nothing without someone there to pull the trigger. The power to take a life rests within the person, the gun simply serving as their tool. When groups prot... |
Miscellaneous | Price of a ticket | The Price of A Ticket My response to The Price of A Ticket, is that the documentary about James Baldwin"s life was well stated. In the beginning of this video the narrator introduced James Baldwin as well as his family. They told how Baldwin progressed from a boy to a man in Harlem, and James Baldwin himself illustrated his thoughts of the time. I believe his father played a bigger role in ... |
Miscellaneous | Princess | Roses are red violets are blue I'm 100% princess, what are you?Roses are red violets are blue I'm 100% princess, what are you?Roses are red violets are blue I'm 100% princess, what are you?Roses are red violets are blue I'm 100% princess, what are you?Roses are red violets are blue I'm 100% princess, what are you?Roses are red violets are blue I'm 100% princess, what are you?Roses are red violets ... |
Miscellaneous | Privitization of airports | Privatization of Airports By: Maiea E-mail: For 51 years Bergstrom Air Force Base was home to fighter pilots, bombers, troop carriers and reconnaissance jets. It was the first port of call for President Lyndon B. Johnson on his trips home to LBJ Country aboard Air Force One, it was where Chuck Yeager, the first pilot to break the sound barrier, once brought a disa... |
Miscellaneous | Pro wrestling | The topic I have chosen to write about is the world of professional wrestling. There are many reasons as to why this subject has interested me. One major reason is that I grew up watching pro-wrestling on television. As a child, I was fascinated with the spectacle of the wrestling matches and wondered at the wrestlers themselves. At that age, I took wrestling for what it was. It wa... |
Miscellaneous | Procrastination | Procrastination Procrastination is the avoidance of doing a task that needs to be accomplished. Procrastination has a high potential for painful consequences. It may interfere with our personal or academic success. There are those of us who wait until the due date is a day away. I am not talking about making sure the money is in the bank. I am talking about putting it off... |
Miscellaneous | Promoting the erie canal | In 1825 Charles G. Haines just began to serve as Governor George De Witt Clinton"s secretary, here he wrote about the mayors views on the Erie Canal project. Haines was already a huge supporter of this product so he took great joy in writing this paper about the whole project. He briefly describes that the plan is split up into three sections: Lake Erie to the Senaca River, Senac... |
Miscellaneous | Public information | Ever wonder how a person not known obtains critical information once unavailable to the public? Nowadays, the easy access of computers makes it almost impossible for citizens to completely be out of the risk of privacy invasion. Anything we do is being monitored discreetly or publicly by others. Yet, there are different ways in which this issue can be viewed. It is harmful in the way that we d... |
Miscellaneous | Quasars | Since their discovery, the nature of quasars has been one of the most intriguing and baffling problems as evidenced by the following quotations: " the problem of understanding quasi-stellar objects… is one of the most important and fascinating tasks in all physics" - G.Burbidge and Hoyle. "The quasar continues to rank both as one of the most baffling objects in t... |
Miscellaneous | Rasmussen's encephalitis | The human immune system is an amazing system that is constantly on the alert protecting us from sicknesses. Thousands of white blood cells travel in our circulatory system destroying all foreign substances that could cause harm to our body or to any of the millions of processes going on inside. Now imagine a condition where this awesome system turns against the most complex o... |
Miscellaneous | Reading my reflections | Reading My Reflections When I was in fourth grade, my music teacher asked for volunteers to help move folding tables. Of the eight people who raised their hands, I was the only girl. Of the seven people that she chose, I was not one. My nine-year-old world was flipped upside-down by this incident. I was absolutely irate. For the rest of the forty-five minute class, I sat in silence, fumin... |
Miscellaneous | Reasons for limitations on free speech | The Constitution of the United States states in its First Amendment that "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances" (Funk & Wagnalls 162). This Amendment g... |
Miscellaneous | Recalling a place | Recalling a Place I walked up to the Euclid Tavern and noticed a huge pink fluorescent sign displaying the word liquor above the doorway. I opened the graffiti covered door and was immediately overwhelmed with the stench of cheep beer and cigarette smoke. I looked to the right of me and noticed an enormous bar, stretching about 100 feet with people crowded around every... |
Miscellaneous | Renaissance armor | Armor Through the arms of the knight we can actually touch something of the knights who strove during the Middle Ages, men whose lives were shaped and who shaped the ideas of chivalry. I believe that armor is, at base, an important, romantic medieval craft. Like all crafts, it takes technical skill and artistic merit to create a quality piece. Other re-enactment societies prov... |
Miscellaneous | Resistance in the workplace | There are times when a person must go against what is common or what others want them to do. I would define this a form resistance. To me resistance is going against what is common, or standing up to someone or some thing that you normally would not. This is a common occurrence in the workplace. Resistance in the workplace is nessicary at times to prevent getting stepped on while climbing the co... |
Miscellaneous | Salmon | Salmon They are naturally distributed throughout most of the northern hemisphere from the temperate zone to beyond the Arctic circle. Now is limited in a few rivers in eastern Maine and Canada. Pollution, impassable dams near the mouths of river, over fishing, destruction of spawning grounds through deforestation, and loss of young in power plant turbines have all con... |
Miscellaneous | Salvador dali | From the real to the surreal, Salvador Dali embodied it all. Once he was satisfied with his abilities to mimic what he saw in the world, he began to play with objects and space. He comprehended, perfected and finally transcended realism and his work became much more than paint on canvas. In a forward that transpersonal psychologist Ken Wilber did for Alex Grey"s book Sacre... |
Miscellaneous | Sambia and hutterite societal threats | Threats are everywhere. Every community in the world faces some sort of threats from time to time. These threats can be large or small, can come from inside or outside of the colony, and can have devastating effects on the group as a whole or as individuals. Quite often, parallels can be drawn between societies that have nothing to everything in common. This is found when comparing two dramati... |
Miscellaneous | Sanchez | The short story "Sanchez," written by Richard Dokey, is a story about Juan Sanchez and his family. "Sanchez" is told in many different settings, which are all unique and represent various feelings that Dokey portrays to his readers. The settings are described realistically; they affect Juan and Jesus in personal ways. The settings vary from a small village in... |
Miscellaneous | Self-reliance | The idea of self-reliance is an American idea. Self-reliance is a way of life when one is reliant on one's own capabilities, judgment, and resources. When someone is self-reliant they are completely Independent. Many American authors have used examples of this idea, self-reliance, in a lot of their writing. For example, in a Progress to the Mines by Byrd examples of self-... |
Miscellaneous | Serial killers and mass murderers | Thomas Blankenship 6 April 2000 Mrs. Waggener English II Mass Murderers and Serial Killers Mass Murderers and Serial Killers are nothing new to today"s society. These vicious killers are all violent, brutal monsters and have an abnormal urge to kill. What gives people these urges to kill? What motivates them to keep killing? Do these killers get satisfaction from killing... |
Miscellaneous | Signs of stress | "Forty-three percent of all adults suffer adverse health effects from stress; 75 to 90 percent of all physician office visits are for stress-related ailments and complaints; stress is linked to the six leading causes of death--heart disease, cancer, lung ailments, accidents, cirrhosis of the liver, and suicide." (Miller, 1993, p.12) "Stress plays havoc with our hea... |
Miscellaneous | Skills of table tennis | Table tennis is played on thick wooden or composite wood, plastic and even metal varieties table. The surface of the table should have a mat finish and it is usually dark green or blue. The table is 274 cm in length, 152.5 cm in width, and 76 cm in height. The table is divided by the net into two courts. The net is 15.25-cm height and extends 15.25 cm beyond each side of the table.... |
Miscellaneous | Slapshots and turns | Brenden Whitfield Hour 4 January 11, 2000 Slap shots and Turns A downhill skier gracefully completes another turn while an ice hockey player checks an opponent into the glass. The skier sails off a jump like an eagle, just as the hockey player absorbs the blows of opposing players like a tank. The skier lands the jump with precision, as the hockey player stumbles towards... |
Miscellaneous | Sleep problems | There are a wide variety of sleep problems in the world today. For example sleep apnea, snoring, sleepwalking, confusional arousals, sleep-related eating, sleep paralysis, nocturnal seizures, teeth grinding, Rapid Eye Movement (REM), and sleep talking. Many of these disorders can be damaging to your health, or might not effect you at all. Also, if one does have difficulties sleeping there are t... |
Miscellaneous | Social and political reactions to polygamy | "We are a peculiar people," Elder Bruce R. McConkie once said (McConkie 25). The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is one of a few "odd" Christian religions. Many of its practices have created much persecution and political reaction, polygamy being one of these. It created much social and political persecution of the Mormons. Most of this persecution had come from ant... |
Miscellaneous | Speech analysis | This is the speech delivered by President Bill Clinton at the annual White House prayer breakfast on Friday, September 11, 1998, to an audience of more than 100 ministers, priests and other religious leaders. First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton was also in attendance. The speech, written in long hand by the president, was delivered at the beginning of a day of tremendous political and personal t... |
Miscellaneous | Spiderwebs | Spiderwebs A spider becomes caught in it"s own web. This is an example of an attempted manipulation that went awry. Hedda Gabler, by Henrik Ibsen, is a work about a woman who manipulates the fates of others in order to fulfill her own wishes. The title character is a woman who has recently returned from a six month "honeymoon" with her groom, Tesman, a man whom she does not love... |
Miscellaneous | Spiritual healing | An Exploration of Spiritual Healing Throughout time, mankind has constantly been seeking ways to maintain their health and to cure those that had not been so fortunate in that task. Just about everything has been experimented with as a cure for some type of illness; whether physical or mental. There is also a third type of illness that can and is addressed, which is healing on the spiri... |
Miscellaneous | Sports utility vehicles | We see them everywhere these days, on the way to work, on the highways, parked in every driveway and hundreds of them by every shopping center. Sports utility vehicles have given a new meaning to the word car. When it comes to safety, SUV's (sports utility vehicle) are by far the most dangerous vehicles on the road, and the road is exactly the place they should not be. Sports uti... |
Miscellaneous | Sportsmanship | Sportsmanship Sportsmanship is the character, practice, or skill of a person involved in sports. This includes the participant, the parents, the coaches, and all spectators. Sportsmanlike conduct includes fairness, courtesy, learning to be a good loser, being competiti... |
Miscellaneous | Std prevention | Abstinence And STD Prevention Today"s world is full of worries and problems which did not affect teens a generation ago. New problems keep appearing in today"s world, such as STDs, increased pregnancy rates, and other factors facing teens who choose to have sex. Emotionally and physically teens and getting less developed before having sex and are not prepared for the s... |
Miscellaneous | Steroids | Testosterone was often referred to as the "male" hormone, because it is responsible for developing some of the male characteristics such as lowering of the voice and hair growth, and because the male body produces much more of it than the female. However, it is responsible for stimulating quite a few other processes. Steroids are a very large class of compounds which occur in all animals... |
Miscellaneous | Steroids use | Testosterone was often referred to as the "male" hormone, because it is responsible for developing some of the male characteristics such as lowering of the voice and hair growth, and because the male body produces much more of it than the female. However, it is responsible for stimulating quite a few other processes. Steroids are a very large class of compounds which occur in all animals... |
Miscellaneous | Stress | This report is on stress, what causes it, how and why, and how it can be cured. It will tell you all about stress, why it's important for people to understand, and what it can do to you and other people. Stress affects everyone and everything, that's why it's important that we all be properly educated on it. First We need to understand what stress is. Stress is basically the body... |
Miscellaneous | Stupidity? | Most people say being stupid will lead no where. They claim that it is the worst possible condition in which to spend ones life, and if possible, it should be completely avoided. Yet, perhaps if people took a closer look at some of the advantages stupidity had to offer, they wouldn't have such a negative attitude toward it. Admittedly, stupidity has certain disadvantages. Life isn't a bowl of cher... |
Miscellaneous | Sundowing and alzheimer's disease | SUNDOWNING AND ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE Sundowning, or sundown syndrome are terms that have been used for over 20 years to describe the reversal of day and night which often occurs in Alzheimer's and other dementing illnesses. (2) Those who are impacted are often called Sundowners and they act as if their biological clocks have reversed their day and night cycles. Some are able to function on li... |
Miscellaneous | T.s. eliot | Throughout Thomas Stearns Eliot's poems run Christian themes and values that evoke a critical view of society. Though he published relatively little compared to other poets of his caliber, he has been recognized as both a poet and a critic. He himself has been criticized for "unnecessary obscurity" and for "authorian severity" (Bradley, 1163). Throughout his p... |
Miscellaneous | Teenage smoking | In a society where it is not unordinary to see a ten year old child smoking a cigarette in public, where large tobacco companies sponsor all big sporting events and where smoking advertisements are everywhere you look, how can it be understood that what is going on is a form of suicide. Smoking is comparable to a serial killer; a cigarette acts as the weapon used by tobacco companies and its vict... |
Miscellaneous | Telephone | THE TELEPHONE The invention of the telephone was a major advancement in technology as we know it today. Without it, it would be almost impossible to communicate with others these days. It was created in the late 1800"s by a Scottish-born American inventor named Alexander Gramn Bell. Bell had built an experimental telegraph one day, and noticed it was working very... |
Miscellaneous | Term | Dreams Every ninety minutes of every night we"re asleep, a dream unfolds. The short dreams at the beginning of the night are usually no more exciting that the idle thoughts that randomly pop into our heads when we"re awake. But as the night progresses, the length of each dream increases (the last dream can be up to twenty minutes long), the body responds more intensely (increased heartbe... |
Miscellaneous | Terrorism | Terrorism Why do people resort to such violent acts as bombing, assassinations, and hi-jacking? How do individuals and organizations justify these acts of terror. These acts can be described as terrorist actions. Terrorism is an growing international problem. During the last twenty years, new terrorist groups have sprung up al lover the world. Governments have had little success in their a... |
Miscellaneous | The advantages of stupidity | Most people say being stupid will lead no where. They claim that it is the worst possible condition in which to spend one's life, and if possible, it should be completely avoided. They would even suggest if the symptoms of stupidity are caught in the early stages, it could easily be treated by a surgeon. The most effective method used to do this is the chainsaw technique, later described in volu... |
Miscellaneous | The american constitution | The American Constitution Essay submitted by Unknown <mailto:> The basis of all law in the United States is the Constitution. This Constitution is a document written by "outcasts" of England. The Constitution of the United States sets forth the nation's fundamental laws. It establishes the form of the national government and defines the rights... |
Miscellaneous | The american dream | It consists of a family, house, cars, and other luxury items. How did it become the American dream? Why do we feel so compelled to pursue it? The reason is because we, the American public, have been convinced through advertising to acquire it. It is a very powerful way of persuasion. Advertising affects us so powerfully that it sometimes sets our views of society for us. We constantly absorb image... |
Miscellaneous | The arab-israeli conflict | The Arab Israeli conflict has gone on for many years. There have been many wars, terrorist attacks and peace treaties between Israel and the Arab countries. Through war and Treaties Israel has gained and lost alot of land. There have been 4 major wars between Israel and The Arab countries, as well as terrorist attacks. The reason for many of these attacks include land, clai... |
Miscellaneous | The beach | The waves are crashing. The sun is setting. People are laughing and embracing under the sunset. I feel the sand squish slowly through my toes as I gaily walk down the shoreline of the Outer Banks. My all time favorite place to be is the beach. The weather at the beach is the most quarreling of all places in the world. One minute you are relaxing lazily on the sandy seashore read... |
Miscellaneous | The beatles | The Beatles to this day are one of the most famous and popular rock 'n roll groups in the world. The Beatles include George Harrison, John Lennon(1940-1980), Paul McCartney, and Richard Starkey(Ringo Starr). All of the Beatles where born and raised in Liverpool, England. John Lennon was considered the leader of the band. George Harrison was the lead guitarist. John Lennon was a s... |
Miscellaneous | The big bang(personal account) (tragedy) | The Big Bang My lesson about playing with fire was a hard one learned. That one summer day so long ago was one of the longest days in my life. The morning was a normal one. The afternoon was when things started to heat up. That night was one I thought would never end.That morning was one just like any other summer day. The sun was bright and warm. We also had family in fr... |
Miscellaneous | The byronic hero | A hero proves his heroism when faced with opposition. He is shrewd, tough, clear-sighted, experienced, and able to handle adversity in a well equipped manner. However, unlike most heroes, the Byronic hero does not receive satisfaction simply from possessing these traits. The Byronic hero sees himself as an individual who practices non conformity. He is a hero of conscio... |
Miscellaneous | The causes of crime | The causes of crime seem to be indefinite and ever changing. In the 19th century; slum poverty was blamed, in the 20th century, a childhood without love was blamed (Adams 152). In the era going into the new millenium, most experts and theorists have given up all hope in trying to pinpoint one single aspect that causes crime. Many experts believe some people are natural born criminals who are bo... |
Miscellaneous | The circus | A circus is an arena for acrobatic exhibitions and animal shows. Usually circular and surrounded by tiers of seats for spectators, a circus may be in the open air but is usually housed in a permanent building or sheltered by a tent. The term circus is also applied to the performance itself and to the troupe of performers. The entertainment offered at a circus generally ... |
Miscellaneous | The colt six-shooter | The colt six shooter will always be a legend to Texas. Whether you know it as an accurate, cowboy, Texas Ranger, gun-slinging, out West, corral gun, or as a little protection, the colt will never be forgotten in Texas. Sam Colt is known as the inventor of the first revolving firearm. Sam's mother died when he was six and his father owned a silk mill... |
Miscellaneous | The comparative method | Sociologists have embraced what is known as the comparative method as the most efficient way to expose taken-for-granted 'truths' or laws that people have adopted. But what is this comparative method and how does it work? Are there any advantages/disadvantages to exposing these false 'truths'. What forms or variations of the comparative method exist? In the pages to follow I will... |
Miscellaneous | The connectio between animal cruelty and human violence | Animal cruelty encompasses a range of different behaviors harmful to animals, from neglect to malicious, brutal killings. Studies show that animal cruelty may lead to more serious forms of crime, like heavy drug use, violent outbursts, and most common, cold blooded murder. Many studies in psychology, sociology, and criminology during the last twenty-five years have demonstrate... |
Miscellaneous | The contrariety of two friends | Everyone has friends. Some are so alike that it is shocking. They seem to walk, talk and even eat the same. But others are so very different that it is an absolute wonder that they can even stand each other, let alone be friends. That is how it is in the friendship of Sandra and Nancy. They differ in everything from their views on cleaning, their views on fun and even in their views on religion. ... |
Miscellaneous | The declaration of language | When, in the course of human language, it becomes necessary for people to create or redefine, words or phrases to express an object or an action; and to assume, among society, the acceptance and usage of these words and their definitions, in one"s own language, or idiolect. A decent respect to the opinions of mankind, requires that Americans should recognize slang adopted into la... |
Miscellaneous | The donner party | Forty-six survivors out of an original 87, reached California starving, tired, and traumatized for life from the experience they had just been through. A year of suffering was spent on a time that was thought to have been only a few months of easy traveling on a shortcut routed by a man named Lance Hatings. The journey began on May 12th from Springfield Illinois. A train of nin... |
Miscellaneous | The effects of post-industrialism on the political economy of western | The Effects of Post-Industrialism On the Political Economy of Western Europe The Decline of Corporatist Bargaining The sustained, high economic growth in Western Europe during the post-war period until 1973 led to dramatic changes in the region's political economy. As advances in transportation and communication extended the ... |
Miscellaneous | The english election system | The English Election System Once the Queen has appointed a person to the office of Prime Minister, he can remain in office only for so long as he has majority support in the House of Commons. If he is defeated there, he may resign and leave the Queen looking for a new one. According to law the period between general elections must never be more than five years. Within these five years t... |
Miscellaneous | The great depression | Carmack 2 The Great Depression The Great Depression is known as a time of economic disaster, and for its impact on the social structure of families. As times got harder, the family way of life changed. Families that were well off did not suffer as much as those that were already struggling. When men lost their jobs they also lost the ability to support their families. Children were forced ... |
Miscellaneous | The history of greek theater | Theater and drama in Ancient Greece took form in about 5th century BCE, with the Sopocles, the great writer of tragedy. In his plays and those of the same genre, heroes and the ideals of life were depicted and glorified. It was believed that man should live for honor and fame, his action was courageous and glorious and his life would climax in a great and noble death. ... |
Miscellaneous | The hospitality industry | The Food and Hospitality Industry has become one of the biggest employers in our state. It now has attained a much higher status in society and demands high standards of work from its employees. Employment opportunities are many, but eagerly sought by a vast majority of people. For this reason as in any other established business, interviews are conducted. Through these interv... |
Miscellaneous | The human population | The Human Population By some, the human population is viewed as an environmental problem. There are also those who do not view it as a problem. In my opinion the human population is not yet, but is soon becoming a large problem. This is because very soon we will run out of room and resources for the amount of people who will be living on this planet. Because the world"s popula... |
Miscellaneous | The ideals of instrumental music | At one point in the study of the Romantic period of music, we come upon the first of several apparently opposing conditions that plague all attempts to grasp the meaning of Romantic as applied to the music of the 19th century. This opposition involved the relation between music and words. If instrumental music is the perfect Romantic art, why is it acknowledged that... |
Miscellaneous | The impact of snowboarding on retail marketing | The ski industry has been around since the beginning of the century. Since that time the retailing industry of the ski world has been on a steady increase. At the beginning of this decade the increase began to skyrocket. However, skiing was not the reason for the growth. The reason for the dramatic increase in industry sales in the retail world of skiing was due to snowboarding. By ... |
Miscellaneous | The internet | Where would we find ourselves without the Web today? It provides us with a vast amount of information and communication. The world is accessible to us with a click of a button. Maps, stocks, chat and news can all be found in a matter of seconds. Things have greatly evolved from the home PC of the 1980"s - Commodore 64"s and IBM 8088"s, and a life of direct dialing into BBSs at all hours of the... |
Miscellaneous | The jesuits | The Jesuits missionaries in America faced many problems, one in particular dealt with relations between the missionaries and the Natives. The letter deals with the treatment of prisoners after a brief military engagement and in addition, attempts by the Jesuits to convert the captured Iroquois. The treatment of the prisoners seems benevolent, compared to the past modus operandi used by the Churc... |
Miscellaneous | The little prince – a closer look | Having read the article The Gift Of Imagination this one quote best describes imagination in us. "Almost all children have vivid imaginations. A few retain them. But somewhere in the process of growing up, most people reject it or learn to conceal it or deny that they have it, even though they use it every day." Silver Donald Cameron. As we grow up we loose our imagination and form ourselves ... |
Miscellaneous | The making of a true person | One day five years ago I meet a boy. This boy was special in every way possible, except with himself. He had always held back his feelings never sharing his thoughts with anyone. After a while this boy had grow close to me and we had started dating. The boy and I decided one day to call it off and just be good friends, but for the boy and I we didn't realize it but we had al... |
Miscellaneous | The marathon runner | "On your mark , set , go !" The marathon runners immediately started off . Under a hot sun, I stood beside the sports track to watch the race quietly, I didn*t cheer for the runners on . In fact, marathon was an exhausting sporting event. The audience at the stadium rooting for at their favourite competitor . However, the runners were not distracked by the spectators. They con... |
Miscellaneous | The messiah stones | The main character in The Messiah Stones is John McGowan. He has a wife names Sarah, a son names Joshua who is eight years old, and Oliver who is six years old. His Dad left him when he was nine years old because he went to Jerusalem for an archeological dig and never saw him again after he left. Because of this he lived with his mother for his whole childhood. John is a ... |
Miscellaneous | The oddssey | MY REVIEW OF RE:CV: --------------------- Resident Evil Code Veronica for the Dreamcast has everything a Dreamcast owner could want in a game: Wonderful graphics, superb sound quality, an awesome storyline, and over 30 hours of gameplay to boot. Resident Evil Code Veronica (RE:CV) is the best survival horror game on the mass market, and everyone who owns a Dreamcast should ow... |
Miscellaneous | The perfect gesture | The Perfect Gesture. The perfect form football tackle, that is the perfect gesture. The person that made this gesture was Gary Kmiec. I witnessed this event for the first time, Labor Day, at the junior varsity football game against North Park College. The day was hot and humid, like a regular Chicago summer. The North Park Viking's field was hardly appealing to the eye. The field ... |
Miscellaneous | The political animal | Much time has been devoted to the study of how and why governments exist. This effort is required to understand America's political and philosophical roots. The ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle pursued and ultimately answered this question in his work, The Politics. Though written thousands of years ago, the lessons taught about the natural state of politics reveal the immense... |
Miscellaneous | The red badge of courage: naturalistic | The Red Badge of Courage by Stephen Crane, one of the most significant and renowned books in American literature, defies outright classification, showing traits of both the realist and naturalist movements. It is a classic, however, precisely because it does so without sacrificing unity or poignancy. The Red Badge of Courage belongs unequivocably to the naturalist genre, ... |
Miscellaneous | The republic of colombia | The Republic of Colombia is the fourth largest country in South America. It is located at the north-western tip of the continent. Its neighbors are Brazil and Venezuela to the east, Panama to the north-west, and Ecuador and Peru to the south. Colombia is the only South American country that's coast is on the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea. There are eight is... |
Miscellaneous | The rise and fall of charles fourier | A new craze swept France, as well as most of Europe, in the early nineteenth century. The oppressed society was exhausted from its continual battle against itself. The people sought change; they sought relief from the socio-economic labyrinth they had been spinning themselves dizzy in for their entire lives, and the lives of their fathers, and their fathers b... |
Miscellaneous | The role of the media in democracy | How much does your vote really count? As a voter, does your choice really matter? How much influence does the media have on your vote? How many choices does the media actually make when it comes to our nation's leadership? These are questions pondered by both political scientists and the average American citizen each year as the second Tuesday in November approaches. Though we know that the f... |
Miscellaneous | The secrete | "Ringggggg Ringggggggg Ringggggggggg!" "That is the bell kids, get in line for class!" Tommy was a little third grader that could not wait until he was older. He was just waiting for that moment when he could be a 4th grader. "Hey Tommy," Billy, a 4th grader, said, "I'm gonna tell you the neatest word in the whole world, but, you can NEVER tell anyone what it is." Tommy... |
Miscellaneous | The simpsons | simpsons The American animation The Simpsons is now in its 10th season as a show in its own right. It was created by Matt Groening as shorts for the Tracy Ullman Show and was bought by the Fox Network, which began screening it as half-hour shows in 1989. Initially its success was restricted to the 9-16 year old age group, and for animation there is nothing remarkable about ... |
Miscellaneous | The stage manager is a man of many roles | The Stage Manager is a man of many roles. Usually a stage manager is part of the non-acting staff and in complete charge of the bodily aspects of the production. In Thornton Wilder"s Our Town, the Stage Manager goes well beyond his usual function in a play and undertakes a large role as a performer. In Our Town the Stage Manager is a narrator, moderator, philosopher, and an actor. ... |
Miscellaneous | The stress-relase of the game of golf | Activty: The Stress-Relase of the Game of Golf As a male in this crazy world, I need a form of stress-relase that won"t be destructive on me or anybody else. The game of golf might be boring to others in the sense of, all the golfer does is hit the small, white ball into the hole. True, in essense, this is all the game is about, but the difficulty level unmatched. Just h... |
Miscellaneous | The success of lillian vernon | It all began with black and white in 1951. Today, nearly 45 years later, the mail order business of Lillian Vernon has swept the mail order market and maintained a financial foothold where others could not. Lillian Hochberg (now known as Lillian Vernon) started her business at her Lillian's motivation was to supplement her husband's then $150 dollar a week income by working fr... |
Miscellaneous | The touch, the feel of hemp-- the fiber of our lives | The Touch, The Feel of Hemp-- The Fiber of Our Lives Imagine how useful a Swiss Army Knife with more than 2500 functions would be if it was compact enough to be manageable. And imagine that this "knife" could help solve some very important problems that plague our environment as well as our society. Now think if the production of this tool was to be banned by the government. There would have... |
Miscellaneous | The tragedy of the black death | Imagine yourself alone on a street corner, coughing up bloody mucous each time you exhale. You are gasping for a full breath of air, but realizing that is not possible, you give up your fight to stay alive. You're thinking, why is this happening to me? That is how the victims of the Black Death felt. The Black Death had many different effects on the people of the Middle Ages.... |
Miscellaneous | The truth | Hi I think I say I cry For we can"t see Or realize Our fate Not shown yet casted in slate The grown Don"t even hesitate to ignore and wait to late for They see it as a chore too broad a subject to explore too set our ways too closed our doors to many days have come and gone not correcting what is wrong yet still life goes o... |
Miscellaneous | The use of the word love | Six months after I met a young man, he expressed to me how much he loved me. Being sixteen years old, I thought it to be very flattering but I could not accept him saying this to me. The word, love in the romantic sense, is something that would take so much out of me to say to a person. Love is something that you express to someone that you can not, in any way, see living your li... |
Miscellaneous | The value of a jury system | The Value of a Jury System The Founders of our nation understood that no idea was more central to our Bill of Rights -- indeed, to government of the people, by the people, and for the people -- than the citizen jury. It was cherished not only as a bulwark against tyranny but also as an essential means of educating Americans in the habits and duties of citizenship. By enacting the Fifth, S... |
Miscellaneous | The waterfalls | Visiting a waterfall, especially on a hot sultry day, can be a favorite way to spend a day. You get in your car, drive for miles, then get out and walk the remainder of the way to a waterfall. Civilization has cleared and marked a pathway for you and the many thousands like you that have also come to enjoy these named landmarks. Rarely do you get to enjoy the natural beauty of on... |
Miscellaneous | Theory of knwoledge | Theory Of Knowledge "Don"t give me any more facts! I need to make a decision right now!" Although one can question knowledge endlessly, one cannot forever suspend judgment while researching and reflecting. What would it mean to act responsibly in a situation where one cannot possess certainty? How would one justify the decision? Within all individuals, there is a basic necessity to ... |
Miscellaneous | There is always room for pie. | There Is Always Room For Pie Throughout my life my parents have always taught me that a child is a product of its environment. As time has passed and I have grown older and observed the people around me I have seen this fact become more evident. I believe that no one person can mimic another"s actions or behaviors so precisely that they become identical. A person"s personality seems... |
Miscellaneous | Things fall paper | In Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe, women of the Ibo tribe are terribly mistreated, and viewed as weak and receive little or no respect outside of their role as a mother. Tradition dictates their role in life. These women are courageous and obedient. These women are nurturers above all and they are anything but weak. In the novel Things Fall Apart, Okonkwo has several wives. H... |
Miscellaneous | Three days to see | Three Days to See This short story deals with how people take advantage of having the privileges to see, hear, and speak. Some people, unfortunately, are blind, deaf, and mute. These unfortunate people take more time to appreciate life and the wonders it has to offer. The author, Helen Keller, is one such person who is blind, deaf, and mute. ... |
Miscellaneous | Three little pigs | November 8, 1999 The Three Little Pigs Once upon a time, there were three little pigs that were kicked out of their birth home by their parents and told to live life on there own. These three little pigs were ready to build their own homes and get secure jobs. The first little pig was lazy, overweight and did not like to work at all. He wanted to take the easy path, and built a house out ... |
Miscellaneous | Tim o'brien's the things they carried eating them away | For young people, the Vietnam War is a thing of the past and they can only learn about it from second hand sources. In Tim O'brien's The Things They Carried, it becomes very apparent that the Vietnam conflict has proved to be one that many of the participants have not been able move away from, while getting on with their lives. O²brien shows that the conflict takes on a ... |
Miscellaneous | Time is precious | Why do we consider twenty-four hours to be a day when day is actually the period of time between dawn and dusk? Why does the day begin at midnight? Midnight is the middle of the night, not the middle of the day! Why do we have seven days instead of eight? What"s the reason for time? Just because we have a calendar or a clock doesn"t mean that we have more or less time. Tick... |
Miscellaneous | Time of my life | THE TIME OF MY LIFE By: Karen J. Biscuiti I was supposed to be having the time of my life during my High School years. I started out in the Newtown Annex. I had many friends there, I also had a great schedule, from 12:00 until 4:00 PM, and it was great! You get to sleep late and not have to worry about being late to school. I knew many people; I am a real people person. Some of t... |
Miscellaneous | Times have changed | Times Have Changed Times have changed dramatically in the past thirty years. The style of living, the sizes of families, and education have all changed dramatically. During the fifties, sixties, and most of the early seventies teenagers were thinking about going off to war or starting a family. Very few teenagers coming out of high school were thinking about college. Slowly as ti... |
Miscellaneous | Tinkering with destiny | Social Work 105 Reflection Paper Dr. Emma Lucas Community is a group of people living or working together. The people who share the community should be united as one and work together to make their surroundings a better place. In reality, most communities strive for unity and try to have a commonground of understanding, but that rarely happens. To me it seems that a lot of com... |
Miscellaneous | Toe caps | Vernon Karst English 101 Illustration Due March 14, 2000 TOE CAP USE IN INDUSTRY IS UNSAFE Toe caps hinder more than help when worn as industrial personal protective equipment. These cup-like covers designed to wear over dress shoes are made of hard reinforced plastic and/or steel. They were carelessly adopted as a "quick fix" to foot protection in response to the July 5, 19... |
Miscellaneous | Tools of the trade | Tool of the Trade By: Tim Bommelman Jr. In any game, the equipment players use determines the way the game unfolds. Try to imagine a soccer game played with an American football! Or try playing tennis with the wooden racquets of thirty years ago. Change the equipment, and you discover a very different game. As part of my look at baseball, I decided to examine the tool of the ba... |
Miscellaneous | Transvestitism | Transvestitism In the last few decades, there has been a rapid change in social attitude towards so-called sexual problems. There has been a call for the freedom to live in the style of which one chooses, so long as no one else is harmed in the process. One area that appears little understood, however, is transvestitism, or cross-dressing. In order to gain some knowledge about this phenomeno... |
Miscellaneous | Tribute to matt stone | Episode 201 - Not Without My Anus Icons provided by Christopher Pirillo at Just South of South Park AdvertFXApplet provided by Secret Sid South Park Announcer: Since the last South Park you've waited four long weeks to find out who the father of Eric Cartman is. Now, finally, the shocking truth about Cartman's lineage will not be seen tonight so we can bring you the following special p... |
Miscellaneous | Trip report | Trip Report Summary This assignment was designed to get the views of athletes toward how the athletic budget is spent and what type of activities that they do. In this case the intended audience was current athletes at Washington State University. Athletes competing in different sports were surveyed. This survey was conducted February 17-20. My target audience was the actual ... |
Miscellaneous | Trip to the porno shop | Before going into Phase II, I didn"t really feel anything out of the ordinary. I have been in that store a few times, and don"t find it offensive in any way. My only feeling about being in that store is a sense of sexual overload on the senses. There is so much sexually oriented material there that it is almost overwhelming. I drove there with three friends from my house, who are... |
Miscellaneous | Tupac shakur is still alive | Chris Zenone Tupac Shakur Is Still Alive On September 7, 1996, Tupac Amaru Shakur was riding in the passenger side of a black BMW driven by Marion Suge Knight, president of Death Row Records. Tupac and Suge had just finished watching Mike Tyson defeat Bruce Seldon at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas, Nevada. Tupac was standing up through the sunroof while the car was stopped at a traffi... |
Miscellaneous | Ufo's | Unidentified Flying Objects have dazzled us for many years. The controversy over the existence of alien life forms began March 23, 1909, in Peterborough, UK. "This was unusual because neither nor New Zealand had any aircraft at the time" (Wilson 14). This left no explanation for the strange sighting. The debate continues in present day because there are still no answers to the man... |
Miscellaneous | Un viaje a itaca | ESCRITURA Pedro Paramo "Un viaje a Itaca" La busqueda de Telemaco por su padre Odiseo, cuyo origen es en la isla de Itaca, y la de Juan Preciado que busca a su padre, Pedro Paramo, puede ser paralelo, pero una paradoja visible en las raices de estos personajes. Odiseo es presentado como un heroe que ha triunfado en numerosas hazañas y aventuras, no hay duda de que su hij... |
Miscellaneous | Understanding of scottish society | Abstract The concept of a nation state has only emerged over the last couple of centuries, before this point less advanced and coherent states managed the affairs of the populous. The nation state is the overlapping of two separate features. The nation is the identity that individuals relate to within the society. This can... |
Miscellaneous | Us post office--a monopoly | Monopoly of the Postal Service In the United States economy most markets can be classified into four different markets structures. But, each and every market in the United States is completely unique from the others. Generally the best type of market structure for the general public is per-fect competition because it creates the lowest possible price for the ... |
Miscellaneous | Use of force (ambrose bierce) | Use of Force Ambrose Bierce, a social critic known for his sarcasm and wit, once described the police as "an armed force for protection and participation." In this pithy statement, Bierce identifies three critical elements of the police role. First, by describing the police as "armed," their ability to coerce recalcitrant persons to comply with the law is emphasized. Because po... |
Miscellaneous | Utopia | Secluded in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, is a place called Sashy, a wonderful, perfect society. It is always peaceful and nothing bad ever happens on the island. The island's air is always fresh and free of any toxins or pollution. Temperature on the South side of Sashy is always warm with no humidity present. On the North side of Sashy the weather is always perfect for winter activities, the... |
Miscellaneous | Vermont | On behalf of myself, and many other students, I would like to formally address the Drug and Alcohol problem that accompanied the 1999-2000 school year Vermont trip. Many times I have heard stories about the "infamous" Vermont Ski trip, and the many illegal things that have occurred consistently throughout the years. To the best of my knowledge this behavior was ignored, overlooke... |
Miscellaneous | Veterinary medicine | Veterinary Medicine Veterinary medicine is the branch of medicine that deals with the diseases of animals. Treating pets is one of the most profitable fields in veterinary medicine. The proper vaccination of animals and the diagnosis of diseases are part of a veterinarian"s duties. The first step to a career in veterinary medicine is deciding that it is the right path for you. I... |
Miscellaneous | Voltaire | Voltaire was a talented, assertive, and controversial French writer from the eighteenth century enlightenment period. He was born in 1694 to a wealthy family in Paris, and given the name Francois-Marie Arouet. During the early years of his life Voltaire endured many hardships. For instance, his mother passed away when he was seven leaving only his father and older brother to ra... |
Miscellaneous | Voltaire's "candide" | Voltaire was a talented, assertive, and controversial French writer from the eighteenth century enlightenment period. He was born in 1694 to a wealthy family in Paris, and given the name Francois-Marie Arouet. During the early years of his life Voltaire endured many hardships. For instance, his mother passed away when he was seven leaving only his father and older brother to ra... |
Miscellaneous | Wake island | When the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, America was at last forced to officially enter World War II. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt officially declared war on the Japanese and in his famous radio address to the American people, he professed that December 7 was a day that would live in infamy. Americans and Japanese alike, still remember Pearl Harbor Day, but how many reme... |
Miscellaneous | Waterlillies | Art analysis of Water Lilies Have you ever looked at a pond and squinted your eyes? Well if you have you would know exactly how Claude Monet felt. Around the time of this painting Monet was loosing his eyesight. It seems to me that this painting was actually meant to be realistic, Monet just painted what he saw, how he saw it. It"s kind of weird how he achieved this fuzzy look, he ... |
Miscellaneous | We are not alone. | On June 24th, 1947 while searching for the remains of a downed Marine C-46 transport, lost somewhere in the Mount Ranier area, a young Idahoan businessman named Kenneth Arnold spotted something that would change his life forever. Just north of his position flying at an altitude of 9,500 feet and an unprecedented airspeed of 1,700 mph he spotted nine ... |
Miscellaneous | Web advertising | web advertising web advertising Web Advertising Web advertising, not to mention the Internet itself, finds itself in a stage of relative infancy and therefore provides marketers with novel challenges and situations which need to be dealt with caution . The realm of Web advertising is unchartered terri tory! In terms of South Africa, the country finds itsef somewhat behind technological... |
Miscellaneous | What is the expression theory of art | Art has evolved and regenerated itself many times during our human existence. These differences are defined through changes in styles under various theories. During the nineteenth and early twentieth century, a style known as Expressionism became popular. During this movement the artists were trying to use their artwork as a tool of expression toward life. It was mainly dominant in the nonrepr... |
Miscellaneous | Who has it easier, guys vs girls | As Sam stepped put of the bathroom, she went back to her room. She reached in her makeup drawer and pulled out her conceler, mascara. lipstick and eyeshadow to continue fixing her apperance. With makeup she looked quit dicent. But no one ever noticed her makeup. Everyone just thinks shes plain old Sam. But GUYS just ahve to wake up, brush their teeth, and maybe put gel in their hair. They do... |
Miscellaneous | Why nuclear fusion is so cool | For a fusion reaction to take place, the nuclei, which are positively charged, must have enough kinetic energy to overcome their electrostatic force of repulsion. This can occur either when one nucleus is accelerated to high energies by an accelerating device, or when the energies of both nuclei are raised by the application of very high temperature. The latter method, referr... |
Miscellaneous | Why planning is necessary. | Memorandum To: City Council of Fieldsville, Virginia From: Christina Futrell, Planning Consultant Date: February 4, 2000 Re: Adding a Town Planner to Your Staff Planning in any town is an important part of the growth, development and sustainability of the citizens and businesses in that town. I believe that your town council could greatly benefit from a... |
Miscellaneous | Witchcraft | Ladies and gentlemen you have all charged upon me accusations of witchcraft. You"ve had your depositions and wronged my ears with false testimony and so called spectral evidence. All that is charged against me I can not defend, after all am I to conjure my defense out of the same thin air as my accusers gathered their case. I"m a simple person in this city on high, where I"m shunned from your ... |
Miscellaneous | Witchcraze | The witchcraze of the seventeenth century gave way to much political unrest and an incredible redistribution of property. The witchcraze was created and fostered by the political leaders and the church leaders of the day all in the pursuit of property and position. The witchcraze continued full steam ahead until laws were passed that put a limit on the personal gains allowable fr... |
Miscellaneous | Yes | There are already ways of getting rid of garbage so people won"t have to see it or smell it. For example there is incineration, in which trash that can"t be recycled is burned. Although this meets the requirements mentioned above it has a downside. The burning itself causes waste and eventually it will have a bad effect on the environment. Recycling is a good process that reuses materials so t... |
Miscellaneous | Zuni indian mythology | Hundreds of years ago the Zuni people created and told stories of human and world creations, tales of love and lust, and just about anything "that gave people an explanation for something they could not understand" (Gaarder 25). They made up all these legends or myths before there was anything called science. The stories came from the heart and soul of these native peopl... |