Our format specifications
Text formatting
All writers employed by our company strictly adhere to the following format specifications: 12 point Courier New font, double spaced, 1 inch margins on all sides.
File format and compatibility
All text projects are manually typed in Microsoft Word and saved in Rich Text Format (.rtf) for compatibility reasons. That means that you will be able to open, view, and edit the document regardless of the version of your Microsoft Word. If your specific project required additional items such as graphs, tables, slides, spreadsheets, images, etc., our professionals will use other applications, e.g. Microsoft Excel(.XLS), Powerpoint (.PPT), Adobe Acrobat (.PDF) or ADOBE PHOTOSHOP (.JPG,.GIF), etc.)
Work samples
We encourage you to view the sample files presented in the Work Samples section of our website. The Microsoft Word files reflect all our format specifications.

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