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Order process explanation

Step 1: You place your order and upload/fax/e-mail your sources (if applicable)

You provide us with you project details and submit your billing information to prepay your order. Then, you will log in to your personal account to view your project on-line, communicate with the writers or upload additional files.

Step 2: Order is allocated to one of our experts

You will see when your project gets allocated to a professional in your personal account.

Step 3: The writer conducts research

Our writer conducts preliminary research to complete your project.

Step 4: The writer completes your project

Your paper is manually typed in Microsoft Word in accordance with your initial guidelines. All sources get properly cited.

Step 5: Plagiarism detection

Every paper is run through electronic plagiarism detection software.

Step 5: The paper is proofread by an editor

An independent editor proofreads the paper for mistakes or typos.

Step 7: The paper is sent to the client

You will receive your paper through e-mail. The file will be automatically sent to the 2 e-mail accounts we have on-file. In addition to that, you can just log in to your personal account and download the file, simple as that. No need to worry about e-mail delay or failure.

Step 8: Revision requests

If our writer fails to meet your initial instructions completely, you can log in to your personal account and file a revision request. All revisions are completed free of charge.

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