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Terms of service

By completing and submitting the order form, the buyers agree to be bound by and are becoming a party to the current agreement.

The completed order form is the set of directions that will be followed by our writers to provide a digital research/writing service that will be delivered by electronic mail at your e-mail address specified above as well as via direct download off our site. The login information to your secure personal account shall be provided upon validating your billing details. We offer the free direct download feature that allows to download all project files directly from your personalized account (Customer Service Area)

You agree that the written material produced by dreamessays.com represents a model work that should not be submitted for academic credit "as is". You may use the work for further research or may edit it to match your writing style, level and vocabulary. We do not guarantee any specific letter grades or any other form of academic approval and can only guarantee to provide quality work based on the original order description.

Should we have difficulty meeting your specified deadline, we will contact you prior to the deadline to request an extension, or discuss a discount or other form of compensation suitable to both parties to reach an agreement (partial refund, discount, etc.).

We shall complete your project based solely on the instructions supplied in the order form. The writer will be responsible for meeting all the instructions. We shall not be responsible for processing additional instructions not included in the original project description. Such requests may still be accomplished as a one time courtesy at the sole discretion of the writer.

The content is written from scratch by a competent writer and contains no plagiarism. All quotes and other people's ideas shall be properly documented using the specified citation style (). Should you find two or more straight sentences (not quotations, at least 20 words total in a straight sequence) copied from another source verbatim, we will offer you either a complete rewrite or a refund. Please note that plagiarism reports of Turnitin or similar programs with the overall score of less than 25% do not constitute sufficient grounds for a refund.

1. The company guarantees to adequately meet the original requirements set forth by the buyer. Should our writer overlook some guidelines, the buyer will need to file a revision request through the company's site (Support Center) and the writing shall be corrected free of charge, unless the request is beyond the original project description. The revision shall be delivered promptly. We reserve the right to reject the revision requests submitted after 14 days from the moment of completion. If the revision request is beyond the original project description, the buyer will have to submit a new order (EDITING) or contact the company regarding some extra compensation.

If you are dissatisfied with the service provided by our company, we will have the work revised, corrected or rewritten until all the initial requirements are adequately followed. If there are some minor issues, you can request a revision and have the work corrected promptly and free of charge. You can also request a different writer, if there is a valid concern. We will revise or rewrite the project free of charge until the work fully meets the original order description.

If the completed work does not adequately meet your initial instructions after 5 rounds of revision, you should contact our support center with a detailed complaint summarizing all the problems and shall be entitled to a refund.

We can guarantee that no information related to your using our service will ever be distributed to any third party without your consent. We guarantee not to reuse or resell the works produced for our clients, and our staff writers are bound by the same agreement.

Should you be dissatisfied with the service provided by the company, you agree to always contact the company first for direct resolution. The company should be contacted through Live Chat or by submitting a support ticket through our Support Center. If you have not been able to reach an acceptable solution after 14 days since the time of your first contact via the aforementioned communication channels, you may contact other organizations for assistance. However, failure to contact our company directly before initiating a chargeback shall be considered a breach of contract and shall be disputed accordingly.

dreamessays.com is owned and operated by MEDIATECH LIMITED. Company registration number 1242512.
Any relevant information should be faxed at 1-866-308-7123, 1-404-963-0617
mailed to Office 813, 8/F, 610 Nathan Road, Hollywood Plaza, HK.
or emailed at hk@freelancewritingcenter.com

Experience with Dream Essay - Reliable and great customer service. Quality of work - High quality of work.
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Dream Essay - Very reliable and great customer service. Encourage other to try their service. Writer 91463 - Provided a well written Annotated Bibliography with great deal of detail per th
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it is always perfect
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The experience with Dream Essay is stress free. Service is excellent and forms various forms of communication all help with customer service. Dream Essay is customer oriented. Writer 17663
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Only competent & proven writers
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The fastest turnaround in the industry
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