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Custom essays

All types of essay writing services available

There are various types of essay that every High School, College and University students gets to encounter in the course of the academic program. Essays are typical writing assignments that require a writer to use personal input in order to convey an idea, present/defend an argument or simply get across some information to the audience. There are numerous types of essays that our essay writers can assist you with.

5 paragraph essays

5 paragraph essay is the classic. It is strictly structured to convey a certain idea in exactly five paragraphs. The essay starts out with a clear introduction with a thesis statement praparing the soil for the next 3 paragraphs. Each of the three paragraphs present a point that supports the thesis statement. The essay ends with a conclusion that wraps up all the information presented in the body and refers to the thesis statement once more.

Argumentative and persuasive essays

In an argumentative (or persuasive) chooses a position on a certain issue and sets out to defend it in the body of the paper. A good argumentative essay identifies the opposition and reviews the opposing views in a conscise and comprehensive manner. These persuasive essays are very popular because such essays are believed to develop persuasion skills which are very important for any person. Our writers know this type of assignment very well and can prepare an argumentative or persuasive essay on virtually any subject.

Descriptive essays

A descriptive essay is a form of writing used to describe various objects or physical places. The author has an objective to create a vivid portrait of an object so that the audience can have a clear image of the thing being described. An effective descriptive essay will make the reader imagine the object in a very realistic way through utilizing various senses and not merely describing physical appearance. The audience has to be able to see, smell, touch, taste and feel the object being described. This form of writing is widely used in literature. Our writers can assist you with a descriptive essay and can write a unique piece describing any object or place.

Expository essays

Expository essays are general writing projects that server a purpose of acquainting the reader with a subject. It can be used to explain something, inform or convey a certain idea. The author must go into detail exposing various subpoints that surround the subject. For an essay to be considered expository, it has to dig into the subject and provide an in-depth exploration. If you an expository essay assignment that you would like to have professional assistance with, our writers will be happy to help.

Narrative essays

A narrative essay is a literary tool used when there is a need to tell a story or present an account of events. The author defines the main character at the beginning of the story. The character introduction is accompanied with the introduction of setting and action. The action reaches culmination and gets resolved by the end of the essay. A well-crafted narrative essay is very effective in keeping the reader's attention throughout the story. The author can utilize various literary tools such as humor, fantasy or suspense in order to make an effective presentation. Our writers are very experienced on the subject of narrative essay writing and are capable of preparing very effective pieces.

Get professional assistance with any custom essay assignment

Our vast team of essay writers has the knowledge, experience and qualifications sufficient to write any type of essay on absolutely any subject. Our service features free unlimited revision which makes it an absolutely worry-free purchase. Money back guarantee covers all services purchased through our company, so there is absolutely nothing to lose.

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